Jeudi le 24 octobre 2013
REMEMBER! WORK MUST BE COMPLETED COMPLETED FOR A 100% COMPLETION GRADE! ALL PAPERS BACK TODAY! CHECK GS! Projects due in LMS next week: Date & time stamped. All work must be in before 7:30 a.m. to count for that day! WORK MUST BE COMPLETED COMPLETED FOR A 100% COMPLETION GRADE! ALL PAPERS BACK TODAY! CHECK GS! Projects due in LMS next week: Date & time stamped. All work must be in before 7:30 a.m. to count for that day!
F 3 1.Finissez les pages: APT! 2.Pratiquez le poème..\F \F 3 Le dormeur du val (2) Rubric - Shortcut.lnk..\F \F 3 Le dormeur du val (2) Rubric - Shortcut.lnk 3.Corrigez les cahiers APT 4.Dans le texte-Un jeux! Linterro demain & les cartes virtuels +5! (lundi 100%!) Le poème: le 4 novembre-note orale (pas le 28 octobre). Le voyage virtuel: le 5 novembre Les devoirs ce soir: ETUDIEZ & FAITES LES CARTES!
F 2 PreAP APT-finissez et corrigez F 2 Unit 1 APT pg 21 to 23.pdfF 2 Unit 1 APT pg 21 to 23.pdf Voyez: F 2 unit 1 Irregular verbs and idioms.pptF 2 unit 1 Irregular verbs and idioms.ppt Texte pg. 45-les exercices oralement (plus tard) Ce soir: ETUDIEZ-linterro demain (20) Demain: donnez-moi les notes & faites les prezi. Faites les cartes virtuels des phrases idiomatiques: F 2 verbal idioms flashcards.pptx
F 2 R 1.NOTES pgs. 44,56,58, 66-68, 60 & 70, KEEP for now! Late APT pgs due! (Inc!) Checking it tomorrow. ! 2.Review PP again for idiom practice F 2 unit 1 Irregular verbs and idioms.pptF 2 unit 1 Irregular verbs and idioms.ppt 3. Do FINAL NOTES: 48, 50! & SAVE! if time, pg. 45 orally H/W: Study and work on prezi! All notes due tomorrow for note check! QUIZ TOMORROW! Verbal idioms! (20). Notebooks will be due and also APTs-youll self check & then get to work on prezi/photostory/picture book -5 peeps-due Monday, and work on virtual idioms flashcards-due next Wednesday! F 2 verbal idioms flashcards.pptxF 2 verbal idioms flashcards.pptx
F 1 DUE: APT % unless absent # pages-25% unless absent Speaking packet-Only if you were absent 1.Draw #s for oral grade! 2.Do Oral grade with Madame! 3.REST: Copy Notes pg in notebooks 4.THEN: Work on Canada project & Quebec brochure & save! Must be printed and turned in on Monday! Report & brochure! HOMEWORK-finish report & brochure!
Oct th 2013 (3 rd week of 2 nd 6 weeks) Mon 10/21Tues 10/22Wed 10/23Thurs 10/24Fri 10/25 F 1 Speaking pkt due –check for completion Review packet H/W: # page F 1 Spk pkt for 50% H/W check Do Notes-Time pg ,58 Over oral grade H/W- APT F 1 H/Ws check Do Notes-61,62 Over oral grade H/W: Practice for Oral grade-speaking packet F 1 Oral grade Self check APT Do: Notes: 63,65 Work on: flashcards or Canada. Both are due Monday! F 1 Oral grade-finish up Work on: Canada project due Monday If time: DVD unit 1, 2 Next: days H/O, APT, W/B, time/date/flashcards/test F 2 4 th -quizzes National anthem oral grade. Show notes 44,56,58. Do APT HO Rest: Notes-66,68 Amsco verb list F 2 Check APT, notes, Finish national anthem orals Rest: Notes-66 inversion H/W 1.1 APT F 2 Self grade APT, Review: Etre /idioms etc. Notes: Adjectives F 2 Notes: more adjectives pg. 48, 50, Review Etre & idioms etc. F 2 R-Quiz: Verbs & expressions Notebook check Prezi check Mon. Prezi due F 2 PreAP Finish Sam 3, National anthem oral grade Rest: Notes adjective and do H/O, new BW **PP, BPP, quiz, amsco F 2 Finish oral grade Notes: 50 (cest vs Il est) Check H/O Book-oral practice APT 1.1 F 2 Review idioms & adjectives, text practice, o W/B audio page 1.1 APT 1..2 F 2 Self check APT More review, oral practice, games H/W: Study 5 verbs & their idioms F 2 PreAP Quiz-Les 5 verbes/expressions Check H/W Work on 5 faces due Mon. F 3 Quizzes Check reflex. Pages Review Reflex Powerpoints Notes R5, Flashcards reflexives-next slide PP, Quiz, PP/IMP pgs. Amsco-review verbs F 3 All projects due before 7:30 a.m. for the 100 Grade reflex & past pgs. Workbk/APT/more reflexive practice H/W: Reflexive flashcards with photo/definition F 3 Projects in for 90 Powerpoint review More text practice/audio/APT & W/B F 3 Projects in for 80 More chp. 1 practice, APT & W/B-self check H/W: Study F 3 Flashcards PP due for on Monday. Self-check work, Quiz 3-Unit 1 See DVD unit 1 Projects in for 70