-ology= study of
anthropology the study of humans
Ayden was fascinated by the ancient Greeks, so he decided to major in anthropology to become an expert on ancient cultures. The professor of anthropology identified the bones and determined they were from Native Americans during the California mission era.
biology the study of life and living things
Our biology teacher is letting us dissect an earthworm next week. Josephine decided to study biology in college due to her love for living things.
cardiology the study of the heart
Fred made an appointment in the cardiology department at the hospital when his doctor referred him to get a more detailed check up for his heart. If you study cardiology, you will become an expert in knowing all of the veins and arteries that carry blood to and from the heart.
dermatology the study of the skin
The dermatology students learned about different type of skin disorders and how to correctly diagnose them. The dermatology office is where many teens go to get prescriptions for acne.
ecology the study of the environment
When you learn about ecology, you will become an expert in the environment and how living organisms interact. Due to his interest in ecology, Franco declared that as his major at USC.
geology the study of the physical nature, structure, and history of the earth
In our geology unit, we learn about sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rock. The geology professor was missing. Perhaps he was kidnapped by some ferns?
graphology the study of handwriting and how it relates to a person’s character
An expert in graphology would analyze the characteristics and patterns of someone’s handwriting. The graphology report confirmed that Emily Bronte was the author of the short story that was found in the historic home.
psychology the study of the mind
The psychology book described the research that has been done on the mind and behavior. He knew he wanted a career in psychology after taking his Psychology 101 course. The study of how the mind works was fascinating to Jim!
sociology the study of how people interact
The sociology students read several books and articles about social changes during the 1960s. If you are interested in how people interact with each other, you may consider a career in sociology.
zoology the study of animals
Rylee had always loved animals, so it was a natural choice to choose zoology as her college major. One area of zoology is to research animal diseases.