Practical Course ELISA Experiment to prove a HIV infection proof of anti-HIV antibodies in blood
Preparations by the teacher
1. Preparation of buffer solutions PBS-buffer (100 ml) 90 ml H2Odest. + 10 ml PBS (10x) PBS-buffer is needed for rehydration of hydrophilic antigens and antibodies. Washing buffer (900 ml) 805 ml H2Odest. + 90 ml PBS (10x) + 4,5 ml Tween 20 washing buffer is needed to dilute the antibody solution and for washing the microtiter plates. Tween 20 contains BSA to block free solid phase surface.
! 2. Rehydration open the stopper of antibody and antigen vessels! pipette 0,5 ml diluted PSB-buffer to the antigen and to the primary and secondary antibodies! close the vessels with the stopper and shake them for about 2 minutes! (stock solution) All stock solutions are fifty fold concentrated!
3. Labelling Label two polyethylene bottles with: antigen primary antibody secondary antibody
Preparations by the pupils 8 teams The chemicals suffice for three courses with eight teams each! (3 x 160 µl stock solution = 480 µl; 500 µl (total volume)
Overview of the tubes green “AG“ antigene 800 µl orange “sAB“ tube color labelling contents quantity green “AG“ antigene 800 µl orange “sAB“ secondary enzyme linked antibody brown “SUB“ substrate violet “pAB“ primary antibody 120 µl blue “WB“ washing buffer yellow - - Still empty!
1. Preparation of samples P1 – P8 - label the 8 yellow tubes with your group number! - pipet 60 µl primary antibody solution (pAB, positive result of the test) or 60 µl washing buffer (WB, negative result of the test) into each of the 8 yellow tubes. Write down your set- ups! (P1 – P8 are serum samples)! - distribute 1 tube each of to the eight teams! !
Complete overview of the tubes (test beginning) tube colour labelling contents quantity green “AG“ antigen 800 µl orange “sAB“ secundary enzyme linked antibody brown “SUB“ substrate violet “pAB“ primary antibody 120 µl blue “WB“ washing buffer yellow P1-P8 “blood serum” sample 1-8 60 µl each
2. Execution of the test
2.1 Antigen binding on microtiter plate - label a microtiter plate according to the following picture! + + - - P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 - pipet 50 µl antigen solution (AG, green tube) into each of the 12 wells! - incubate for 5 minutes!
Antibody detection basic principle Antigens bind to solid phase
2.2 Washing the microtiter plates tap the plates on tissues! pipet 250 µl washing buffer into each well! Attention! During pipeting the washing buffer should not spill over into other wells! tap plates on new tissues!
Antibody detection basic principle antigens bind to solid phase free plastic surface is blocked
2.3 Preparation of controls and samples pAb positive control: pipet 50 µl primary antibodies (pAB, violet tube) into 2 with “ + ” labelled wells! negative control: pipet 50 µl washing buffer (WB, blue tube) into 2 with “ - ” labelled wells! WB + + - - P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
2.3 Preparing of controls and samples samples1-8: pipet 50 µl „serum samples of the test person“ P1 – P8 into the corresponding labelled 8 wells! Use a new tip for each well ! + + - - P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 incubate for 5 minutes!
Antibody detection basic principle antigens bind to solid phase free plastic surface is blocked add serum to be tested for the presence of antibodies
2.4 Washing the microtiter plates (see 2.2 ) empty + 250 µl WB empty
2.5 Addition of secondary antibody pipet 50 µl secondary antibody solution (sAB, orange tube) in each of the 12 wells! incubate for 5 minutes!
Antibody detection basic principle antigens bind to solid phase free plastic surface is blocked add serum to be tested for the presence of antibodies enzyme-linked antibodies bind to the epitope of eventually present antibody
2.6 Wash microtiter plates twice (see 2.2 ) empty + 250 µl WB empty
2.7 Addition of the substrate pipet 50 µl substrate solution (SUB, brown tube) into each of the 12 wells! incubate for 5 minutes!
Antibody detection basic principle antigens bind to solid phase free plastic surface is blocked add serum to be tested for the presence of antibodies enzyme-linked antibodies bind to the epitope of eventually present antibody proof of infection by enzymatic reaction
3. Evaluation Positive samples are blue-coloured, negative samples stay colourless (controls) Check your test results (P1 – P8) in the team! e.g.: + + - - P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8