Annotating Nonfiction Annotating Fiction Mark Explanation CC Contrasts and Contradictions A character says or does something that contradicts what you expect or what he/she has been doing all along. Why would the character act that way? A-HA A-Ha Moment A character or YOU, THE READER, suddenly realizes, understands, or figures out something. How might this change things? F FlashBack/ Foreshadowing The author interrupts the action to tell you a memory (flashback). Why might this memory be important? The author gives clues that hint at what may be coming next. What does this clue make me think is coming? WC Word Choice Master The author uses a precise word, interesting phrase, or literary technique- figurative language or sound device. How does this diction enhance the story? TQ Tough Question The text raises a really difficult question. What does this question make me wonder about? AA Again and Again A word, phrase, image or idea is repeated again and again. Why does this keep showing up again and again? Connect Make a connection between texts. the world, or Your own experiences. What does this remind you of? Why is it important? What else did you notice? Why do you think it is significant? Annotating Nonfiction Mark Explanation CC Contrasts and Contradictions The writer presents something that contradicts what you already know or think, or when the writer shows you a sharp contrast between people, groups, or ideas. What does this make me wonder about? AL Assertive Language The author makes his or her claim clear. It may be bold, extreme, unusual, or unreasonable. What is the author’s main point? Why is it stated this way? # Numbers and Stats The author uses specific numbers or statistical information (number facts) to support a claim or make a point. Why did the author use these numbers? “ Q” Quoted Words The author chooses to quote or refer to someone, such as an expert or an eyewitness. Why was this person quoted, and what did the quote add to the text? WG Word Gap The author uses a word or phrase that is challenging. Does this look like a word that’s only used with this topic? Would I know this word in another place? Do I see any clues that might help me figure out the meaning? Connect Make a connection between texts. the world, or Your own experiences. What does this remind you of? Why is it important? What else did you notice? Why do you think it is significant?