Avian Influenza Prevention and Control from an OIE Perspective Heads of Veterinary and Animal Production Services First SPC Regional Meeting Nadi, Fiji, 28 November -2 December 2005 T. Fujita OIE Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific, World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Introduction Current AI situation -AI occurrences and Disease profile in Asia OIE roles OIE priority concepts for AI prevention and control OIE Collaboration programmes for AI OIE Mechanism of AI control
AI (H5N1) occurrences in Asia Country 1st Report RO Korea 12/2003 Malaysia 8/2004 Thailand 1/2004 Russia 7/2005 Cambodia Mongolia 8/2005 Japan Kazakhstan Laos H5N2 (Taipei China, RO Korea, Japan) H7(DPR Korea), H7N3 & H9N2 (Pakistan), H5? (Philippines) Vietnam Indonesia 2/2004 PR China Turkey; H5, 6 Oct.05
Confirmed Human Cases of Avian Influenza A/(H5N1) Indonesia Vietnam Thailand Cambodia China Total cases deaths 11 7 93 42 21 13 4 3 2 132 68 Source: WHO, 25 November 2005, Only laboratory-confirmed cases
Current AI Situation in Asia (Disease Profile 1) Unprecedented cases and high Economic and Social negative consequences Repeated outbreaks since the end of 2003 Viruses holding a foothold and circulating Threatening risks to human and animal health No immediate eradication foreseen Possible spread to new countries and re-emerging (including roles of migratory birds)
Current AI Situation in Asia (Disease Profile 2) 7. Poor biosecurity – animal production systems (backyard, wet-markets, multi-species, etc.) Impediment to trade Increase of poverty Gap between regulatory control and enforcement 11. Culling, Carcass disposal and compensation Need for strategic vaccination Many International Meetings recognize the above (OIE/FAO/WHO meetings, etc.)
OIE Roles (1) OIE mandate: “improve animal health (including zoonosis) worldwide” Provision of animal health and veterinary scientific information (Requirements of transparent and timely Notification) Standards setting on safety of international movements of animals and animal products (WTO-SPS) OIE Standards on surveillance for assessment of animal health status Disease information Strengthening (Capacity building) of Veterinary Services
OIE Roles (2) International Standards; -OIE Code -New AI Chapter in May 2005, by the OIE International Committee, 167 MCs) -OIE Manual for Diagnosis and Vaccines ( (including Avian Influenza) Provision of OIE scientific information; e.g. -Disease information (including AI) -Avian Influenza Information- OIE web site
OIE priority concepts for AI prevention and control (1) Concept of an international public good Good Governance and veterinary legislations Capacity building and Quality of Veterinary Services (including Notification, Early Detection and Rapid Response and Preparedness) Relevant infrastructures and sustainable (human and financial) resources of Veterinary Services for strict implementation of legislation
OIE priority concepts for AI prevention and control (2) Reliability of diagnosis, rapid confirmation of suspects, Surveillance systems and pathogen confinement Stamping-out policy under OIE animal welfare standards Safety of movements of animals and animal products (/Zoning and Compartmentalization) When and how to use vaccines (OIE Manual for vaccine manufacturing) Bio-security measures
OIE collaboration programmes for AI Control OIE Reference Laboratories (157 Ref. Labs; 6 for Avian Influenza; 2 in Asia and the Pacific) and OIE Collaborating Centres (17 Centres) OIE Collaboration with FAO including GF-TADs (Global Framework for the progressive control of Transboundary Animal Diseases; AI – a targeted disease: GF-TADs Regional Steering Committee Permanent Secretariat = OIE Regional Representations) OIE/FAO OFFLU network (synergies on research and scientific information), and WHO Laboratories interface, OIE/FAO/WHO GLEWS OIE Collaboration with other International/Regional Organizations including World Bank, SPC, etc.
OIE Mechanism of AI Control (examples) Improvement of governance and veterinary policies New alliances between public and private sector, international organizations (e.g. FAO, WHO) and donors Support regional programmes Global fund for animal health coordinated by OIE in association with partners Support to OFFLU and others, etc. Global Global forum for alliance and partnerships Global quality centre Support to countries -Evaluation and audits of Veterinary Services -Preparation of national projects -In the framework of GF-TADs mechanism (AI, etc.) - OIE Regional Represenations and Offices worldwide, etc. Regional Capacity building for policy makers and private sector Quality Centres for support to countries National project preparation with the support from Regional Quality Centres Evaluation of quality of Veterinary Services, Creation of national committee of stakeholders, evaluation of appropriate investments in infrastructures including laboratories Promulgation of new governance and policies design complying with OIE Standards, Compensation funds, etc. National Level
Thank you for your attention!! T. Fujita, OIE Tokyo