How to Navigate Think Central
Click on link
You’ll be directed to this page
Choose Country – United States
Choose State - Arkansas
Choose District – Mansfield School District
Choose School – Mansfield Elementary School
Check the box that says “Remember my school.”
Enter child’s User Name
Enter Child’s Password
Click “Log In.”
You should get this page.
What does that mean? “Things to Do” will contain a list of assignments that I have given the students to complete. “My Library” provides you with games, videos, concept readers, intervention tools and the student edition GoMath book to choose from. Anything with G3 at the end is for Grade 3. G2 is for Grade two and G4 is for Grade 4. “My Scores” should have their scores on any completed assignments within ThinkCentral.
I hope this helps! Sincerely, Mrs. spicer