Lundi le 7 octobre 2013. French Club-Thurs. 10/10 2:35 Bring $20.00 all week!


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Presentation transcript:

Lundi le 7 octobre 2013

French Club-Thurs. 10/10 2:35 Bring $20.00 all week!

REMINDERS BRING BOOK, TABLET AND ALL SUPPLIES EACH AND EVERY DAY! NO FOOD, DRINK, GUM OR ELEC. DEVICES! (N in conduct 1 st time, write-up 2 nd offense) FULL HEADING, TITLE, # on ALL WORK (-10 pts. each) Passes-between class or AT THE END OF CLASS! Only ONE pass per week! BRING BOOK, TABLET AND ALL SUPPLIES EACH AND EVERY DAY! NO FOOD, DRINK, GUM OR ELEC. DEVICES! (N in conduct 1 st time, write-up 2 nd offense) FULL HEADING, TITLE, # on ALL WORK (-10 pts. each) Passes-between class or AT THE END OF CLASS! Only ONE pass per week!

Oct. 7 th -11 th st week Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri/ F 1 1.Finish Eiffel tower movie with quiz or Statue of Liberty movie 2.Hand back papers Test 2 B posted. 3.No H/Wstart sents. F1 1.Notes pg. 45 all 2.Pg orally 3.See DVD unit 1 4. H/W: Bor. Words sentences F1 1.Notes pg. 49 all 2.Turn in B/W sents 3.Pg orally 4.Finish DVD unit 1 5.H/W: Number pg. F1 1. H/O-Projects 2. Practice mini-skit 3. PG orally 4. Finish # pgs. F1 1.Notes Turn in # pgs. 3.Pg orally 4.# Bingo if time 5.Prac. Skits for Tues! F2 1.Papers back 2.Finish Les Choristes 3.Oral review of Powerpoint sample- repeat/see mine if time 4. H/W: Notes F2 1.Check notes, w/up 2.Oral prac of PP, see mine 3.Pg orally 4.H/W: Notes pg. 34 F2 1.Check notes, do w/up 2.Pg. 35 orally 3.Show Anthem 4.H/W: notes 36,37 F2 1.Check notes, do w/up 2.H/O: Song/projects 3.H/O-Clothes/body 4.Oral prac & song. H/W: Notes pg. 38 F2 1. Check notes/warmup 2. Pg orally 3. Over song, body, clothes. 4. H/W: Study 4 Quiz: Tues on Unit 1, lesson 1 F2preAP 1.Les papiers/le film, PP oralement, 2. Revision: Borrowed words 3. H/W: Notes & 4. Make flashcards for borrowed words. F2preAP 1.Check notes, do warmup. 2. Over Borrowed words, 3. Review PP for oral practice, see mine 4. Pg orally 5. H/W : notes 34 & Study F2preAP 1.Check notes, do warmup 2.Quiz- borrowed words 3.Pg. 35 orally 4.Show Song 5.H/W: Notes 36,37 F2preAP 1.Check notes, do W/Up 2.Handout: Projects: Anthem/5 faces 3.H/O-clothes/body review 4. Oral: pg /Song 5. H/W: Notes 38 & study F2preAP 1.Check notes, 2.Quiz -unit 1 lesson 1 3.Song practice 4.Pg orally, if time Song: Oct 21 st 5 Faces-Oct 28 th F3 1.Warmup 2.My PP 3.Read H/W: Notes F3 1.Check notes/warmup 2.Over pres/past-PP 3.Finish reading H/W: Notes pg 42 F3 1.Check notes/warmup 2.Review Past tense 3.Pg Orally 4.H/W Notes R 4 F3 1.H/O-Poem/Journee 2.Past tense practice pgs. 3.H/W: finish pgs. & study F3 1.QUIZ: unit 1 part 1 vocab. 2. Over past tense pgs. Due: Poem-Oct. 21st Journee-Oct. 28th

F 3 1. Warmup: Quest-ce que tu as envie de faire? Pourquoi? Mais….? Et? (20+ mots!) Ex. Jai envie de manger une omelette au fromage avec du jambon, parceque je laime, mais je suis grosse et je suis au régime maintenant. 2. Lisez mon PP..\JE me PRESENT project NEW SAMPLE MINE.ppt..\JE me PRESENT project NEW SAMPLE MINE.ppt 3. Lisez pg Les devoirs: copiez les notes 36-37

F 2 R 1.Papers back 2.Finish Les Choristes 3.Oral review of Powerpoint sample- repeat/see mine if time… JE me PRESENT project NEW PRACTICE.ppt JE me PRESENT project NEW SAMPLE MINE.ppt JE me PRESENT project NEW SAMPLE MINE.ppt 4. H/W: Notes in your notebook!

F 2 PreAP 1.Les papiers/le film 2. PP oralement: JE me PRESENT project NEW SAMPLE MINE.pptJE me PRESENT project NEW SAMPLE MINE.ppt 3. Revision: Borrowed words 4. H/W: Notes Make flashcards for borrowed words: Quiz Wed...\F 2 Borrowed words G.docx

F 1 1.Finish Eiffel tower movie with quiz or Statue of Liberty movie 2.Hand back papers (Test 1 A will be posted) If time: review-- French_1_UNIT_1_Powerpoint - Shortcut.lnk French_1_UNIT_1_Powerpoint - Shortcut.lnk 3.H/Wstart sentences of Borrowed words (posted on LMS and extras in file) Due WED: F_1_borrowed_words_First_semester - Shortcut.lnk F_1_borrowed_words_First_semester - Shortcut.lnk