Decisions in Planning Your Career Section 2-1
What You’ll Learn How to identify the personal issues to consider when choosing & planning your career How to evaluate the factors that influence employment opportunities
Some Characteristics of Successful People Work well with others Strive to do their best Creativity when problem solving Understanding themselves & others Not allowing conflicts to hinder their work
Job vs. Career Job: work that a person does mainly to earn money Career: a commitment to work in a field that is interesting & fulfilling
Standard of Living A measure of quality of life based on the amounts & kinds of goods and services a person can buy
Trends Developments that mark changes in a particular area
Potential Earning Power The amount of money a person may earn over time
Aptitudes The natural abilities that people possess
Interest Inventories Tests that help people to identify the activities they enjoy the most & match their interests, likes, and dislikes with various kinds of work
Stages of Career Planning
A Career Plan of Action
Demographics Trends Ways in which groups of people change over time Areas with fastest-growing job markets: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, & Texas
Recent Demographic Trends Affecting the Job Market More working parents More leisure time More elderly people in the overall population Greater demand for ongoing employment training
Service Industries Industries that provide services for a fee
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