Key Reports
Agenda How to access EBI key reports Overview of reports How to access !sell key reports Other monthly key reports Additional reports
Why Key Reports? Plan to close GAP’s on distribution, volume and MACO. Reports that affect your sales targets: Target Progress report Distribution Gap reports MACO Visibility report Simplified Ranking report POCE report Track your budgets accordingly: Reports that reflect your budget: Commercial Direct Spend (CAD) report GL Account Detail Transaction report IMS reporting
How to access EBI Reports EBI Reports are located on the Pub website under business update and WCCP
101 Target Progress Report Provides quick snapshot of where you are re: performance and payout Weekly report is available along with a monthly results report Breaks numbers down for 3 KPIs with weighting MACO – 65% (or 40%) Distribution – 15% (or 40%) POCE- 10% 4th KPI (Initiative) changes monthly and will be communicated by your line manager – 10%
Target Progress Report Your Maco and distribution targets link into this report from 2 separate reports that we will review on the next couple slides POC E pulls from I-sell Initiative is tracked in an Excel document by Sales Intelligence
MACO Visibility Report Provides detailed look at where you are vs. MACO targets Includes data re: overall monthly targets and SKU-specific targets Flags SKUs as on-target, up to 10% below target, or more than 10% below target Indicates estimated variances In this report you are able to see how you can under deliver on volume when you have a positive product mix and vice-versa vs. target
MACO Visibility Report Digging deeper Kokanee What SKU’s are driving the positive results?
Distribution Gap Reports Provides detailed look at the distribution of each of your SKUs Identify gaps re: whether a SKU is available at a given POC Are available in both On-Premise (005G) and Off-Premise (005H) versions Distribution Gap reports are available daily and monthly in EBI In a brand one can over achieve in draught or package to hit the overall brand target in on-premise The same criteria applies to off-premise brands and SKU’s
Distribution Gap Reports In this example the rep would be achieving 5 out of 6 due to a single gap in Bud Light Lime
Sales Bible Shows detailed brand and SKU volume & market share by POC for the past 5 weeks Weekly report shown below 11
Sales Bible Shows YTD volume vs. previous year Shows Totals for POC 12
Commercial Direct Spend Report Provides financial summary of where you are with respect to fixed costs and variable budget Compares planned vs. actual costs Numbers organized in MTD, YTD, YTG, and Full Year A.K.A. 031 report
Commercial Direct Spend Report
ZBB Sales Manager Report Provides financial summary of where you are with respect to fixed costs and variable budget monthly Compares planned vs. actual costs Organizes numbers in MTD, YTD, YTG, and Full Year Also summarizes HL by MTD, YTD, and full year with actual and planned $ per HL spends Used to reconcile expenses every month If a rep is over budget in a given month without DSM approval, variable compensation can be held back
ZBB Sales Manager Report 1 2 3 4 5 Month Summary – Actual fixed and variable spends vs. plan; Also spend per HL for the same period Year to date Summary – Same as month summary spread over current year to date with added HL spend detail Year to go for both fixed and variable budgets Full year plan information for your reference; Includes Budget plan and HL plan along with plan $ per HL and % sold Spends by budget code are broken out by fixed and variable for month, year to date, year to go, and year plan
Reports accessed from !sell
I-Sell POC Detail Spend Reports Budget Detail by POC pulled directly out of I-Sell Budget spends can be pulled By POC and also by territory Two versions of the report can be pulled: Internal – More detail for your own tracking External – For review with a customer Report can be exported to excel
I-sell POC Detail spend reports POC by POC expenses are located in POC planning tab in a regular POC visit 19
I-Sell POC Detail Spend Reports Expense reports can be pulled in the reports tab in I-Sell. This report can be viewed internally for your own viewing and also externally for customer review. 1 2 3 20
POCE Report POCE report is located in I-sell under Calendar, reports and POC execution detail report Provides POC evaluation data for date range chosen Gives achievement variance percentage for Basic and Winning survey types Summary Page and drop down menus for POC level achievement scores are available Top half summarizes total score by basic, winning or by banner level Second half of report drills down to POC level One can over and/or underachieve to get to their target of 80% for their territory
POCE Report
POCE Report This rep is over achieving target by 4.4%. To look more closely at what is driving the gap in OP Basic click on the plus button on the right to reveal more POC detail information.
POCE Report When diving deeper into the gap we can see what individual POC’s are impacting the score. In this example, the negative scores in Texas gate, the Maple Leaf Grille and Tommy’s Neighborhood Pub are impacting negatively on the Basic OP score. 24
Reports from PPM/DSC
GL Account Detail Transaction Report Provides financial summary of where you are with respect to fixed costs and variable budget Compares planned vs. actual costs Organizes numbers in MTD, YTD, YTG, and Full Year Used to reconcile expenses every month
GL Account Detail Transaction Report
Detailed CAD Report from SAP Report pulled by DSC monthly Shows amounts that are debited and credited from a particular GL account by rep Dates and details are provided so reps can reconcile their budgets monthly Additional IMS reports can help a rep dive into the detail of a particular order
Detailed CAD Report from SAP 29
Additional Reports More Territory Sales reports EBI 003 – Customer ranking Reports: Ranks your customers in HL volume for Industry and Labatt vs. YA and share vs. YA NSS Trend Summary Reports: Provides details on volume index for Industry and Labatt vs. YA Also provides BDL share information for total Labatt, package and draught vs. YA
Summary & Next Steps Access reports through WCCP – EBI Dashboard or !sell. Use key reports to focus your sales efforts and impact your bottom line Additional report training to come as updates are provided by Sales Tech team.
It is your turn to “Shoot The Puck!!!” Development is owned by Employees, Supported by Managers, And enabled by the People Department. How are you going to apply what you learned today in trade? Embrace the key opportunities to learn and develop as a professional Labatt Salesperson Explore the new LMS website – it’s a one stop location to access self- directed learning and SEA curriculum. Take ownership over the 3 key areas that are offered for you to develop!