Keith Grammar School Working together
Vacancies Sellars are looking for apprentice agricultural engineers in various locations. Apply at or ask your Guidance teacher for help. Turriff Tyres are advertising for a machine operator, send your CV and covering e-mail to or contact them for more information. Galvanizing Operators required in Elgin, see Mrs Gatenby for more info or contact Highland Galvanizers. Roof Tiling Trainees required by Marleys, Keith. Hendry Hydraulics and BT advertising for engineering apprentices, see SDS Moray Facebook page. RAF are recruiting for a range of apprenticeships, see their website or give them a call.
Vacancies Karro are advertising for maintenance operatives, who would work going round their 19 farms in Moray, contact Fiona on for full details. Johnston's of Elgin are looking for sewing machinists. Christie's of Fochabers are looking for weekend and holiday workers, perfect for students!
Vacancies S5/6: Journalism and production apprenticeships available with the BBC. See Mrs Gatenby for more details. S4/5/6: Forsyths are looking for an apprentice draughtperson in Rothes. E-mail for more information and to submit your CV. Nat 5s in English, Maths and Graph Comm are necessary.
Moray College Interview Questions Do you have an interview with Moray College? Here are the interview questions that everyone who applies to Moray College UHI will be asked. You could get some help from friends or family to help prepare your answers. Tell me why you are applying for this particular course? Tell me about your education to date and any employment experience? Tell me about any aptitude, skills or experiences you have relevant to the course? You may also be asked a further question which is course specific, so make sure that you follow the advice given above and do some researching before you arrive.
Music Lessons - Timetable See Plasmas or Music Timetables for individual lessons. Brass - Monday Violin - Tuesday Percussion - Thursday Woodwind - Friday