Secular Music in the Middle Ages Part 2, Section 3 9/28/17
Secular Music Music outside the church, not religious in nature or content Again, notation does not indicate rhythm Probably had a defined beat though Different from the free-flowing Gregorian Chant First large body of secular songs surviving in a decipherable notation were composed by French nobles called troubadours or trouveres Reputation as musical poets Songs usually performed by court minstrels Most songs were about love Minstrels performed music & acrobatics in castles, taverns, and town squares - most had no civil rights/lowest social level Important source of info - always travelling
Listening: Title: Estampie From: 13th Century Estampie was a type of medieval dance - instrumental music!
Development of Polyphony: Organum Part 2, Section 4
Organum Gregorian chant with one or more additional melodic lines Was first improvised Moved in parallel motion, note against note, at the interval of a 4th or 5th Later it began to move in contrary motion Chant on bottom was generally sung in very long notes while the added melody was added over top in shorter notes Startling to hear an added melody that was more attractive than the chant
School of Notre Dame: Measured Rhythm Paris 1150, center of Polyphonic music Cathedral of Notre Dame was supreme monument of Gothic architecture 2 successive choirmasters of Notre Dame: Leonin & Perotin Used measured rhythm: definite time values & clearly defined meter Notation indicated precise rhythms & pitches for first time! Beat had to be subdivided into threes (symbol of Trinity) Modern listeners find it hallow & thin Triads were considered dissonance (M3 vs. m3)
Listening: Title - Alleluia: Nativitas (The Birth) Composer - Perotin Cantus firmus - chant used as the basis for polyphony