The Body of 1 Corinthians 15:35-39; 40-49; 53-57
Resurrection Body: A Different Kind (15:35-39) Rabbis: “Resurrection body & physical body are the same” (Job 19:25-27; Baruch). Paul: “You do not sow that body that shall be.”
Resurrection Body: A Glorious Kind (15:40-49) Look to the Sky (40-41) Look to the Ground (42-45) Look to Heaven (46-49)
Resurrection Body: An Incorruptible Kind (15:53-57) A building from God; eternal house (2 Cor 5:1-4). It must stand up to the glory of God or to the punishment of God.
Death will end in “victory”! If we hold fast to the gospel of Jesus Christ (15:1-4; 57). Death is now nothing more than a shadow (Psalm 23:4).
How should we respond? “Be Steadfast, Immovable” – Don’t give up on Jesus Christ & His work! “Always Abounding In The Lord’s Work” – Give your best effort to the Lord’s work. “Your Labor Is Not Is Vain In The Lord” – Your work for the Lord is worthwhile.
Are you ready for that day? The Lord Jesus will return & raise the dead (John 5:28-29). He will be the judge of the living & the dead on that day (Acts 10:42).