Lundi le 4 février
1. The Catholic holiday of Candlemas, on 2 February, is a feast to commemorate the purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation of baby Jesus. In France, this holiday is called la Chandeleur, Fête de la Lumière, or jour des crêpes. 2. Not only do the French eat a lot of crêpes on Chandeleur, but they also do a bit of fortune telling while making them. It is traditional to hold a coin in your writing hand and a crêpe pan in the other, and flip the crêpe into the air. If you manage to catch the crêpe in the pan, your family will be prosperous for the rest of the year. 3. There are all kinds of French proverbs and sayings for Chandeleur; here are just a few. Note the similarities to the Groundhog Day predictions made in the US and Canada: À la Chandeleur, l'hiver cesse ou reprend vigueur On Candlemas, winter ends or strengthens À la Chandeleur, le jour croît de deux heures On Candlemas, the day grows by two hours Chandeleur couverte, quarante jours de perte Candlemas covered (in snow), forty days lost Rosée à la Chandeleur, hiver à sa dernière heure Dew on Candlemas, winter at its final hour
Mon. Feb. 4thTues. Feb. 5thWed. Feb. 6 th Thurs. Feb. 7th Fri. F3b. 8th F 1 Supplies-100 Text-oral review DVD: unit 2 & 3 H/W:Study faire & etre Quiz C-CW F 1 SUB Quiz-faire/Etre Supplies-90 Worksheet in class H/W: study question words & adverbs F 1 Handouts: Poem/packet/bor.wrd Magazines due Quiz-question words & adverbs Supplies for 80 Review for test H/W: Study F 1 Supplies for 70 Test today! Magazines due Borrowed words D defin. Due next Wed. Majors: Test today, Poem 2/14, topic picks F 1 Eiffel tower movie-take notes-15 facts. Mon: Start Unit 4, Feb. 14 th -Poem oral grade, Feb. 21: Oral grade-topic picks F2R Supplies 100 TEST today! F2R SUB Supplies-90 Notes: 166 Packet practice with peers F2R H/0-Poem Supplies 80 Packet practice F2R Supplies for 70 ORAL grade: Packet Major grades: Test, Packet oral and Poem oral (Feb. 14 th ) F2R ORAL Grade: Finish up. Poem oral grade is next Thurs, Feb. 14 th F 2 PreAP Notes: 186, 188 in Review of Unit vocab orally. Print your borrowed words tonight!!! Poem practice DVD of units 1 & 2 F 2 PreAP Notes: 166 Go to and work on borrowed words definitions F 2 PreAP Supplies for 80 Borrowed words due Poem practice & food word review H/W: Study food words F 2 PreAP Supplies for 70 Quiz: Food vocabulary Poem oral grade is Thurs. Feb. 14th F 2 PreAP Finish La Vie en Rose Major grades: Poem, Test, poem. Coming up: Shopping/cooking skit, project, next unit. F 3 3 testers Schedule re-tests La parure- LMS-show Fairy tale due next Monday for 105. SHOW ARTISTS PP – oral grade all week F 3 In LMS-La Parure- read it and translate onto paper. Work ALONE F 3 Show ARTIST PP for oral grade. F 3 Show ARTISTS PP for Oral grade. Major grades: Verb test, Artist oral, Fairy tale, Fairy tale oral. Next: Test 4, Poem oral grade, Poetry, Verb test 2 F 3 Show ARTIST PP for oral grade-if finished: see Impressionist film on United streaming or La Parure. Next: quiz on #3 vocab, La Parure, Polite pkt, start Unit 4, Poetry unit 3 rd 6 weeks Feb 4 th week Madame McCage
F 2 R (per. 1 & 4) 1. Supplies TEST today! 3. No H/W Tomorrow with sub: Notes & packet practice with buddy
F 2 PreAP-Per Bridget-finish test. Notes Review of Unit vocab orally. 3. Print your borrowed words tonight!!! 4. Poem practice: voix/poemes/dejeuner-du-matin/ voix/poemes/dejeuner-du-matin/ 5. DVD of units 1 & 2 No H/W You will finish La Vie en Rose this Friday. Tomorrow with sub: Notes & Define your borrowed words!
Le français 3 3 testers-makeups NOW! Schedule re-tests of 74s and under La Parure- Voyez sur LMS! Noubliez pas! Votre CONTE DE FÉE- lundi Les ARTISTS PP: La note orale. PAS DE DEVOIRS! Tomorrow with sub: Online work-individually!
French 1 1. Supplies See slides-oral review of FAIRE & QUESTIONS 3. Finish book test pg. 114 (1-5) Due at bell today! (7 th period---Quiz C-Cheyenne today!) H/W:Study faire & être 1. Tomorrow with sub: QUIZ on FAIRE & ETRE! AND textbook work! BRING BOOK!
Faire- (*to do, to make)
Stéphanie est ici. Est-ce que Stéphanie est ici? Is Stéphanie here? Tu es français. Est-ce que tu es français? Are you French? Paul et Marc sont au café. Est-ce quils sont au café? Are they at the café? B STATEMENTS YES/NO QUESTIONS Home Note how the French questions begin with est-ce que. Les questions à réponse affirmative ou négative p. 86 Tu veux jouer au foot. Est-ce que tu veux jouer au foot? Do you want to play soccer? Continued... Une invitation 6 6 LEÇON
Yes/no questions can be formed according to the pattern: est-ce que + STATEMENT? est-ce qu (+ VOWEL SOUND) Est-ce que Pierre est ici? Est-ce quil est en ville? B Les questions à réponse affirmative ou négative p. 86 Une invitation 6 6 LEÇON Continued...
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