Rocks and Minerals Eureka TB: pg. 302-307
Lithosphere 1- The LITHOSPHERE is a rigid structure that is made up of the Earth’s crust and part of the upper mantle 2- It is between 70km and 150 km thick 3- It contains minerals the plants need 4- It contains several important natural resources 70km is beneath the oceans while 150km is beneath the continents
Minerals VS Rocks 5- A mineral is homogenous (pure), natural (not man-made), and non-living substance (Click for More Info) 6-A rock is a heterogeneous blend of differently sized grains of different kinds 7- There are three kinds of rocks that are categorized by the way they are formed (Click for More Info) Each grain in a rock is a mineral
Rocks 3 Types of Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic 8- rocks results from cooling and solidification of magma 9- rock derives from fragments of rock called sediment that are subject to erosion and also may contain fossils 10- rock has undergone a transformation caused by heat and pressure Sedimentary Metamorphic
Igneous Rock There are three types of igneous rocks. Each results from freezing of molten rock or melt. How can you have natural molten rock or melt??
Basaltic lava flow, Hawaii Magma: molten rock or melt while it still sits underground intrusive igneous rocks Lava: molten rock or melt once it reaches the Earth’s surface extrusive igneous rocks T = 650° to 1,110°C Slide taken from a ppt entitled week 6 2011 from
Igneous Rock – 3 Types 11- Intrusive (or Plutonic) Slow cooling of magma within the Earth’s crust Has large crystals Example: Gabbro
Igneous Rock – 3 Types 12- Extrusive or Volcanic Formed when lava cools in contact with air or water Has microscopic crystals Example: Obsidian
Igneous Rock – 3 Types 13- Porphyritic Undergoes two cooling phases Crystals vary in size Example: Certain types of Granite
RECAP Intrusive – rocks made by the freezing of magma underground. Granite – a coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock Click Here for More Examples of Intrusive Igneous Rocks Intrusive – rocks made by the freezing of magma underground. Extrusive – rocks that form above ground, after lava spills out and extrudes on the surface of the Earth. Basalt – a fine-grained extrusive igneous rock Click Here for More Examples of Extrusive Igneous Rocks Slide taken from a ppt entitled week 6 2011 from
Sedimentary Rock 14- Composed of pieces of rock from the crust that have broken away, are carried and polished by water, wind and landslides. 15- These pieces or sediments are then deposited in layers, compacted and cemented over time Example: Limestone
Sedimentary Rock 16- Fossils An imprint or remnant of an animal or plant preserved in the Earth’s crust. Fossils are sometimes found in sedimentary rock. Want more info? Click Here
Metamorphic Rock 17- Rocks (igneous, sedimentary or even existing metamorphic) transformed by the action of pressure and heat 18- The transformation results in minerals aligning in sheets or bands Example: Marble Want more Info? Click Here!
6 observations or tests we do to identify a rock or a mineral 19- 1-Lustre 2-Size: Coarse (use naked eye or magnifying glass) or fine (need a microscope) 3-Mohs Hardness Scale: "hard" rock scratches glass and steel, usually signifying the minerals quartz or feldspar (Mohs hardness 6-7 and up); "soft" rock does not scratch a steel knife but scratches fingernails (Mohs 3-5.5); "very soft" rock does not scratch fingernails (Mohs 1-2). Igneous rocks are always hard.
Magnetism – if it is attracted to a magnet and how strongly Colour – of the rock or mineral Streak - when the rock or mineral is rubbed on a ceramic plate, this is the colour that is left behind.
Now, turn to pg 307 in Eureka to finish the table in your notes! That’s All Folks! Now, turn to pg 307 in Eureka to finish the table in your notes!