Metrics Simplification Project Barry Gribbons, Deputy Chancellor, College of the Canyons Kate Williams Browne, Skyline College John Stanskas, ASCCC Vice President Rebecca Eikey, ASCCC Executive Committee
Overview Why Simplify and the IEPI Indicators Recommendations Metrics Simplification Workgroup – Charge and Scope Metrics Simplification Workgroup – Meetings 1 and 2 Future of Metrics Simplification Effort Total of 86 metrics colleges are expected to use to guide planning
Why Simplify? Current Reporting and Planning Metrics: Scorecard Strong Workforce IEPI Indicators Student Equity Plans Basic Skills Plans SSSP Total of 86 metrics colleges are expected to use to guide planning
IEPI Indicators Recommendation Develop a core, limited set of metrics used for various initiative and institutional planning Reduce differences and inconsistencies in indicator systems to the greatest extent possible Utilize existing talent in the field to develop a plan Widely vet the plan to seek input from a variety of constituent groups
Chancellor’s Office Response Creation of the Metrics Simplification Project 3 meetings with a representative group Finished recommendation by May 1
Metrics Simplification Charge Focus is strictly on students and their educational journey Outcome should be simplified set of metrics drillable for detail This set of metrics should displace all others
Metrics Simplification Charge Metrics broken into three categories: Access Practices Student Outcomes Align with Guided Pathways and Completion by Design if possible Equity not viewed as a separate activity but across all metrics
Metrics Simplification Progress Further refined ways to view student journey Connection Entry Progress Completion Ongoing Education Employment Considered 20 possible metrics
Metrics Simplification Progress Connection Equitable Access Applicants who enrolled in college Alignment of course schedule with student pathways Entry Completed comprehensive education plan Successfully completed Transfer-level English and math Recommended move to Progress
Metrics Simplification Progress Course taking milestones Second year persistence Progress in pathway Transfer-ready Support Services/Student Engagement
Metrics Simplification Progress Completion Completed and/or Transferred Completed and/or Transferred in 3 years Average Units for Associate Degree Earners Ongoing Education Earned Multiple Credentials Completed Next Segment within Six Years
Metrics Simplification Progress Employment Employed after one year Employed in Job Related to CTE Field of Study Change in Earnings Median Annual Earnings Attained Living Wage
Summary of Recommended Metrics Connection Equitable Access Entry Progress Successfully Completed Transfer-Level English and math in 1-year Student Services/Engagement Completion Completed or Transferred Ongoing Education Employment Change in Earnings
Additional Possible Ideas Core set of indicators with additional indicators that can be drilled into Disaggregations Fall 2015 Plenary Local Senates Irvine, California
Future Metrics Simplification April 23 – Final meeting of the Statewide Workgroup April 30 - 3rd Statewide Webinar (10AM) Concern about how metrics may be used with Funding Formula discussion in progress – no definitive answer at this time
Fall 2015 Plenary Local Senates Irvine, California Questions? Comments Fall 2015 Plenary Local Senates Irvine, California
Thank You Barry Gribbons John Stanskas Kate Williams Browne Rebecca Eikey