Lundi le 4 mars
March 4 th -8 th Plans Mon 3/4Tues 3/5Wed 3/6Thurs 3/7Fri 3/8 F 1 1.Finish class pgs today 2.Finish W/B 3.8-due Tues. 3.Finish Oral grades H/W: Notes unit 4 F1 1.Due: Class-50% W/B, Notes- 100% 2.See: Topics oral-all due by 3/ Over book test pg Review Body words. 5.Start collages F 1 1.See: Scrapbook, Moi, Song. 2.Due: W/B-50%, Notes-100%. 3.Over Test 3A. 4. Work on collage F 1 1.Last day to accept Notes. 2.Over school words 3.Finish collages due today! F 1 1.DVD of units 2 & 3 ALL absent work in Happy Break! F 2R 1.PP-food/verbs review 2.Finish oral points 3. Game with 4 H/W: make F/C unit 3 F 2R 1.Quiz:Food & verbs 2.F/C for 100% 3.PP-articles 4.Quantities rvw: F 2R 1.F/C-90% 2. Review use online quizzes 3. See: 5FFF, Song 4.Test format H/W: Study F 2R F/C-80% Test unit 3A (Not last grammar part) F 2R F/C-70% Sam video-finish 1 st, play 2 nd, 3 rd. F 2PreAP 1.PP: food/quantities/article 2. Text-oral review 3. Verbs-study H/W: Flashcards/study F 2 PreAP 1.Quiz-VERBS 2. PP-tout/il faut 3. F/C-100% H/W: Book Test F 2PreAP 1.Grade book test 2. F/C-90% H/W: Study F2 PreAP F/C-80% Test 3B F2 PreAP F/C-70% Create Voki kup.php?scid= & height=267&width=200 Sam videos F 3 1.Review: Past/imp/subj. 2. Start poems-see powerpoint specs H/W: flashcards 2/3 F 3 1.Practice with verbs 2.Poems in class 3.Notes unit , 161, 166 H/W: Take online quiz F 3 1.Practice with verbs 2.Poems in class 3.Notes 4A 4B due H/W: Study F 3 Test 2/3 B F 3 Finish Poems in class. Use dictionary only Majors: F 1-test 3B, 2 nd Oral Scrapbook,Test 4 (QUIZ X2-MOI Powerpoint) F 2R& PreAP- Test 3, SONG, 5FF, Test 4 French 3-Poetry Test 2/3B, Skit, Test 4
F 2 R & PreAP 1.CHECK YOUR GRADES! 2.Verb review:F 2 unit 2 and 3 VERBS.ppsmF 2 unit 2 and 3 VERBS.ppsm 3. Finish oral points-anyone? 4. Game in groups of 3 or 4 to review verbs H/W: Flashcards unit 3 (PAGE word list) and study for verb/vocab quiz tomorrow!
F 2 VERB game! CONJUGATE & TRANSLATE! +.5 each on quiz! 1. Je (pouvoir) _________ 2. Tu (devoir) __________ 3. Ils (vouloir) __________ 4. Nous (voir) _________ 5. Vous (boire) _________ 6. Elle (mettre) __________ 7. Elles (prendre) __________ 8. Ils (payer) ___________ 9. Je (dormir) ___________ 10. Tu (amener) __________
F 3 1.Review: Subjunctive-There are several cases in which the subjunctive is used in French. There are a few rules to learn in order to consistently and accurately use the subjective: For your own review: le subjonctif 1.ppt F 3 Unit 2 SUBJUNCTIVE partie2.ppt 2. Start poems-see powerpoint specs, do first one and turn in at bell. F 3 la poesie.ppt H/W: Flashcards unit 2 & 3 vocab/verbs TEST 2/3 is Thursday!!!
French 1 1.Finish class pages- due today! 2.Finish W/B 3.8-due tomorrow! 3.Finish Oral grades with me. H/W: Notes unit 4 pg. 138 top 139 (2X French, 1X English). BRING MAGAZINES!
French 1-Body collages coming up! Bring your magazines tomorrow-70%