Expert Group on Reporting under the Nature Directives WP3 – Evaluating the contribution of the Natura 2000 network to the conservation status of habitats and species Expert Group on Reporting under the Nature Directives Brussels, 2 December 2010 Carlos Romão
What was done since Nov. 2009 Meetings of the sub-group: 3 March 28 September Minutes posted on Circa (7th meeting of Expert Group, May 2010) Main issues discussed Proportion of total resources in N2000 Trends within the network Conservation measures and their effects Extending work to birds and SPAs Two draft outputs Revised draft list of conservation measures (N2K Group, recently posted in Circa) Draft additional fields/format for the reporting forms
Some issues Focusing on habitats/species for which site designation and management is key for achieving favourable conservation status Linking CONSERVATION STATUS / TRENDS MEASURES EFFECTS OF MEASUES Broad assessments to be complemented by case studies
3. Information on Natura 2000 & Annex II species 3.1 Population 3.1.1 Population size (use same unit as in 2.4) Estimation of population size included in the network (of the same biogeographical region). Give integer value, no decimals. Min – Max Unit 3.1.2 Data source 3 = from complete inventory or similar 2 = extrapolation from surveys of part of the population, statistic reliable sampling 1 = based on expert opinion or partial data 0 = absent data 3.1.3 Trend of population size 0 = stable + = positive - = negative ? = unknown
3. Information on Natura 2000 & Annex I habitat types 3.1 Area covered by habitat 3.1.1 Surface area Estimation of habitat type surface area included in the network (of the same biogeographical region) Give integer value, no decimals Min – Max km2 3.1.2 Data source 3 = from complete inventory or similar 2 = extrapolation from surveys of part of the population, statistic reliable sampling 1 = based on expert opinion or partial data 0 = absent data 3.1.3 Trend of surface area 0 = stable + = positive - = negative ? = unknown 3.1.4 Trend in 'Structure and functions‘ (using the trend of the conservation status of this parameter could be a possibility; needs further investigation and consideration)
3. Information on Natura 2000 & Annex I / Annex II 3.2 Conservation measures Up to 20 conservation measures taken (i.e. already being implemented) until the end of the reporting period Highlight up to five of the most important measures for the given species Indicate if measure is taken inside or/and outside the network (example): measure rank inside / outside aaaaaa H X bbbbbb X ccccccc H X X …