Week Seven LA 9 Vocabulary
cause (n.) a person or thing that makes or is responsible for something happening The detective tried to locate the cause of the train crash. noun verb adjective adverb cause causal causally
fervent (adj.) showing passionate enthusiasm Kendra has a fervent love for rainbows. noun verb adjective adverb fervor -- fervent fervently
momentous (adj.) extremely meaningful or important Graduation is a momentous occasion. noun verb adjective adverb -- momentous momentously
augment (v.) to increase in size or meaning I want to augment my biceps so I will do more push ups. noun verb adjective adverb augmentation augment augmented --
ostracize (v.) to banish or exclude someone from a group He was ostracized by his friends because they were jealous he had made varsity. noun verb adjective adverb ostracism ostracize ostracized --
graph to write
graph to write bibliography autograph graphite paragraph photography
rupt to break
rupt to break disrupt interrupt rupture erupt corrupt
log/logue word, thought, speech
log/logue word, thought, speech dialogue monologue logic logistics genealogy
luc/lun/lum/lus to shine; light
luc/lun/lum/lus to shine; light lucid lunar luminescent luster translucent