Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program Target and Outreach
FFVP Legislation Farm Security and Rural Investment Act 2002 Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act 2004 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006 The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2008 The Food Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008
Funding July 1, 2010 - $101 million July 1, 2011 - $150 million July 1, 2012 and beyond $150 million + Based on previous year’s allocation as adjusted by annual change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
FFVP Program Overview FFVP offers free fresh fruits and vegetables Selected elementary schools in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands FFVP targets elementary schools with highest percentage of children certified for free and reduced-price benefits Annual application required FFVP available during the school day, outside of the lunch and breakfast periods (and not during summer school)
State Responsibilities Actively work with high need schools to bring them into the program and ensure they complete an application Eligible high need schools must be given every opportunity to submit an application to participate in the program Determine the per-student allocation, $50-$75
State Responsibilities Notify high need schools of their priority status for participation Target and conduct outreach to schools with highest free and reduced price enrollment Key selection criteria: schools with highest percentage of free and reduced price enrollment
FFVP School Criteria Must be elementary level Must represent the highest percentage of students certified for free and reduced price benefits Must participate in the NSLP Must complete an annual application Must agree to widely publicize the Program within the school Elementary level as defined by the State.
Determine # of Students To determine the number of students that can participate in the Program within the required per-student allocation range of $50-$75: $174,005 July allocation (Max of 25% of total made available) $522,215 October allocation $696,220 Total for School Year $21,000 Administrative funds retained by State =$675,220 Available to schools Range of students that can participate: $675,220 / $50 = 13,504 students $675,220 / $75 = 9,002 students After the range of students has been determined, States should determine the per-student dollar amount they want to fund and begin the outreach process to eligible high need schools.
Outreach Steps Order elementary schools from highest percent F/RP enrollment to 50% F/RP enrollment Determine number of schools that could participate with available funds Conduct targeted outreach to highest need schools Conduct general outreach to schools at 50% F/RP enrollment and above to inform them of the program *If there are more schools in the high need category than can be funded, States may choose to only notify the high need schools.
Other Outreach Efforts Explain program benefits for students and FFVP contribution to school Local Wellness Policies Healthier School Nutrition Environment HealthierUS School Challenge Working with National, state, and local partners
The Application Process Schools with well written applications and low free and reduced price enrollment cannot be selected over schools representing high need Key selection criteria schools with high percentages free/reduce price enrollment Yearly applications required At State agency’s discretion, schools meeting requirements in subsequent years may simply submit updates to application on file
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program For More Information Schools should contact their State Agency