Binary counting challenge To know that binary values can represent numbers and letters of the alphabet
Binary counting challenge Your challenge: To use binary code to represent numbers and letters Using only zeros (0) and ones (1), create a code that increases in value up to 26 to match letters of the alphabet as well as numbers (you may wish to use the support sheet) Keep record of your code and change your pattern if you find it doesn’t work Introduce the task giving out as little information as possible. Allow pupils to try to complete the task and monitor their choice of code arrangements. Encourage a logical approach and praise perseverance. Pupils may develop a code that works up to the number 5 and then get stuck. Encourage them to think laterally using computational thinking skills to figure out a solution to their problem. Let them know that this skill is known in computing as debugging. When pupils have tried for a sufficient amount of time, introduce the clues one at a time. Ask the pupils if they are ready for a clue and read the room to see if they are willing to try without clues. Computational thinking skills Abstraction - ignoring the information that isn’t needed Decomposition - Breaking down into smaller parts that are easy to deal with Pattern recognition - Finding patterns in decomposed parts
Binary counting challenge Clue 1 Clue 2 Clue 3 Binary code is read from right to left Each position has a set value Values double beginning at 1 When pupils have tried for a sufficient amount of time, introduce the clues one at a time. Ask the pupils if they are ready for a clue and read the room to see if they are willing to try without clues. Reinforce computational thinking skills The use of abstraction will depend on the information they are dealing with. (have they overcomplicated the task?) Ask pupils how many numbers they could represent using only two sets of zero and one, three and so on. When they have tried to make numbers using only two or three digits (0 or 1) ask them if they can see any patterns. Computational thinking skills Abstraction - ignoring the information that isn’t needed Decomposition - Breaking down into smaller parts that are easy to deal with Pattern recognition - Finding patterns in decomposed parts
Binary counting challenge What is a binary number? What does each digit represent? What is the value of the number below? 01100100