Understanding the International Baccalaureate Program “An Education for Life” Mrs. Kelli Wise, IB Coordinator Mrs. Ortiz, 9th - 12th Grade Counselor/CAS Coral Reef Senior High School
IB Mission Statement The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
What is it? An internationally recognized program A high quality curriculum that aims to encourage critical thinking by the study of traditional disciplines while encouraging an international perspective A program designed for the motivated and academically able student who can function across the curriculum and has learned to manage time well
Why do it? Most rigorous secondary education available IB diploma recognized worldwide College preparedness College credits earned from IB courses Increase chances of admissions to competitive colleges In Florida: Bright Futures Scholarship
You know you’re in IB when… You can spell “Baccalaureate.”
Pinning Ceremony
IBIS Foundation www.ibisfoundation.com Parent organization Volunteers for IB Orals and Papers Fundraising Pinning Ceremony IB Senior Gala Memory Book Assists with the coordination of Field Trips, Magnet Fair, Academy Night, Open House, and more…
IB Learner Profile
You know you’re in IB when… You can recite the first 50 places of π. (3.14159 26535 897932384 6264 3383 279 5028841971 69399 3751)
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program Hexagon Language A1 (Group 1) Individuals & Societies (Group 3) Language B, A2 (Group 2) Extended Essay Theory of Knowledge Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) Experimental Sciences (Group 4) Mathematics (Group 5) The Arts and Electives (Group 6) A second science or Language B, theatre Arts, Psychology, Social and Cultural Anthropology
HL vs. SL Diploma candidates are required to choose one subject from each of the six areas of the hexagon. At least three and not more than four subjects must be taken at the Higher Level (HL), the others at Standard Level (SL).
SL courses (can be 1 or 2 yrs) Curriculum Planning SL courses (can be 1 or 2 yrs) HL courses (2 years) Language A1 History ___________ ___________(optional) Possible choices: Science (Chem/Bio) Language B Psychology Math ___________ Possible choices Language B (1 or 2 yrs) Science (Chem or Bio) Psychology (1 yr) Social and Cultural Anthropology (1 yr) Geography (1 yr)
IB Contemporary World History Coral Reef High School International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Student Four-Year Plan Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 HL/SL ExamYear Pre-IB English AP Eng. Language IB/AP Eng Lit. IB English IV HL Language B _____________ ________________ AP World History AP European History AP U.S. History/ IB IB Contemporary World History Science Math _________________ Elective IB Elective
IB Contemporary World History EXTRA ELECTIVE (IN OR OUT OF IB) Coral Reef High School International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Student Four-Year Plan Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 HL/SL ExamYear Pre-IB English AP Eng. Language IB/AP Eng Lit. IB English IV HL 2017 Language B SPANISH AP World History AP European History AP U.S. History IB Contemporary World History Science PRE-IB BIO PRE-IB CHEM IB BIO TOK SL 2016 Math GEOMETRY HONORS ALGEBRA 2 HONORS IB MATH STUDIES Elective AP PSYCHOLOGY AP GOVT/ AP ECONOMICS IB Elective ITGS EXTRA ELECTIVE (IN OR OUT OF IB)
HL vs. SL cont’d All HL courses are two years and the exams are taken at the end of senior year. SL courses can be one year or two, depending on the course. All candidates must take one SL exam junior year to make room for TOK, but they may take up to two SL exams. In such a case, students will have an extra elective available senior year. The four or five remaining exams are taken in 12th grade.
Courses and Exams: AP vs. IB Students do not have to be enrolled in an authorized school Exams are graded externally and marks assigned Scores for an AP course are based solely on the outcome of the one exam (objective and essay) Students must be enrolled in an authorized IB school Students must prepare in all areas- areas of strength as well as weaknesses Six exams in six subject areas are required Scores include teacher assessments constructed and graded by educators around the world
Internal Assessments Internal Assessments-Teachers use the IBO assessment criteria to submit marks and comments for work done by candidates in certain subjects. Samples of the work are sent and IB examiners moderate the teacher’s assessment.
External Assessments External Assessments- Examinations and work assessed by an examiner appointed by the IBO anywhere in the world. All written examinations administered in May are External Assessments. The TOK paper and the Extended Essay, among others, are examples of External Assessments.
Theory of Knowledge (TOK) No exam is taken, however it’s an IB requirement Must write a TOK paper Objective to promote critical thinking. Students learn to critically examine the reliability of sources of knowledge, to distinguish between good and poor reasoning, to spot intentional or accidental bias, and to identify inconsistencies.
Extended Essay ~ 4,000 words Topic chosen by student (be careful!) Summer workshop dates to be announced First day of Junior year, a 2,500 word draft will be due to English teacher Supervisor will assist/meet with student several times, GET ONE EARLY! TurnItIn.com upload required!
Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) “Heart and Soul of IB” What is it? Creativity: provides students with the opportunity to explore their own sense of original thinking and expression. Action: is to promote lifelong healthy habits related to physical well-being. Service: students develop and apply personal and social skills in real-life situations involving decision-making, problem solving, initiative, responsibility, and accountability for their actions.
The CAS Experience May begin planning for a CAS experience at the beginning of their Junior year (not earlier), and continue through their Senior year (for 18 continuous months). Minimum of 150 hours Challenging and enjoyable Personal journey of self-discovery by coming out of “comfort zone” Meaningful, profound and life-changing Hours are divided somewhat equally among the three CAS components. Must hit ALL 8 learning outcomes! Reflections, evidence, and supervisor reviews MUST be submitted on a monthly basis in order to complete any project or activity. *** Candidates must complete their CAS requirements to obtain their IB diploma. ***
Score Sample Language A1 (English) Paper 1 25% Paper 2 25% 2 World Lit. essays 20% (10% each) IA Oral Presentation 15% IA Oral Commentary 15%
IB Scores Scores on each exam range from 1 to 7 (1 is the lowest) A total of 3 bonus points may be added to the total score based on grades earned in the Extended Essay and the TOK paper Maximum possible score: 45 (7 pts on each of 6 exams plus 3 bonus pts.)
You know you’re in IB when… You have convinced your parents the “1” you received on your IB Physics exam was really the “top 1% of all IB students worldwide.”
Conditions for the award of the IB Diploma Students must earn a minimum of 24 points with no failing conditions. Failing conditions regardless of total points earned Absence from any exam Failure to do Extended Essay or CAS A grade of E in TOK and Extended Essay A score of 1 in any exam Candidate guilty of malpractice More than 3 grades of 3 or below
Other Failing Conditions… Total scores of 24 to 27points A grade of 2 in an HL Less than 12pts in 3 HL’s or 16 in 4 HL’s A grade of E in the Extended Essay or the TOK paper Total of 28 points or more More than one grade of 2 in an HL Less than 11 pts in an 3 HL’s or 14 pts in 4 HL’s
FOR WAIVER TO BE IN EFFECT, STUDENTS MUST Waiver Agreement COURSES WAIVED 1 credit fine arts .5 credit elective PE .5 credit Economics .5 credit Personal Fitness .5 credit American Government FOR WAIVER TO BE IN EFFECT, STUDENTS MUST PASS ALL COURSES in an IB DIPLOMA CURRICULUM SATISFY ALL IB CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS, including internal due dates for: internal assessments, TOK essays, Extended Essay and the Creativity, Action, Service projects, as required in the IB coursework SIT FOR ALL REQUIRED IB EXAMS Have accumulated 24 high school credits.
Quotes from IB Graduates “In IB I learned to study, to learn, to appreciate team work, and most importantly to love knowledge.” “IB has been, for me, taking the ‘road less traveled’.” “Through IB I have gained confidence in myself and my ability to succeed.” IB trains the leaders of tomorrow, it motivates, and it teaches responsibility. It instills passion for learning, desire to do good, and wisdom to make sensitive decisions.”
You know you’re in IB when… You explore the possibility of setting up an IV drip of espresso.
Contact Information Kelli Wise, IB Coordinator 305-232-2044, Ext. 2127 kelliwise@dadeschools.net Kristen Ortiz 305-232-2044, Ext. 2125 kortiz216@dadeschools.net