Group Activities Due Friday 3/4 Page 291 – with your group, plan a balloon flight in Jupiter’s atmosphere. Include a list of the important observations and measurements you would like to make. Discuss the hazards of the flight. Page 313 – with your group. Draw up a plan for an observatory on Pluto, include the advantages the observatory would have compared with one on Earth and the difficulty of maintaining the staff.
Group Activities Due Friday 3/4 Page 291 – Title Slide group name and members, Slide one Balloon design, Slide two List of observation and measurements, Slide three the hazards Page 313 – Title Slide group name and members, Slide one Observatory design, Slide two List of advantages compared to Earth, Slide three the difficulties of maintaining the staff
Group Activities – what you will present Due Friday 3/4 Page 291 – Title Slide: who is in the group, Slide one: What is the design and what technology needs to be developed, Slide two: explain what the goals or knowledge that will be gained from the trip, Slide three: what are some ideas to prevent the dangers Page 313 – Title Slide: who is in the group, Slide one: What is the design and what technology needs to be developed, Slide two: Will these advantages give us a better understanding, Slide three: What is the plan to overcome the difficulties
Earth Science Draw and Label On the page with all the station models pick 2 of them and explain what the symbols and numbers mean – 513 in textbook On the page with the weather map, use this as an example to create your own on the blank one and explain what is happening on your map. - 514 in textbook