Budget coding cheat sheet! Coding for invoices is comprised of FIVE “elements”. These elements indicate exactly what the cost is for, what product, what school, etc. Element 3 (E3): Product We will always use EKW as your product. Element 1 (E1): Account This is the element that is hardest in coding as there are so many account numbers, and many on the Basware pop-up list are not even used in our part of EF! Account codes can be thought of based on the thousand digit: 1000s: Finance only (paid taxes, deposits, loans, etc.). 2000s: Finance only (received taxes, deposits, loans, etc). 4000s: Finance only (Teacher related costs) 5000s: Staff related costs 6000s: Consulting related costs The 5000s are the only codes we use on a daily basis for expense reports. Commonly used Account Codes: 5919: other staff related costs 6111: office supplies 5311: transportation costs 5312: accommodation costs 5313: meals costs Element 4 (E4): Cost Center We use the below cost center: DOP111: all costs Element (E5): Specific Vendor The only element used here is the below: FUSD: for all general costs Basware Notes: In Basware we must also enter XUSZZ in the VAT Code column, since we do not have VAT (Value Added Tax) in the US this will zero it out. Also the Line Description is very important – try to be as clear as possible what the cost actually was in minimal characters. Additional comments can be added in the final field. Element 2 (E2): Market We code to general production, coded as RWW.