19 April 2019.


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Presentation transcript:

19 April 2019

Share – Collaborate - Survive – Defeat 19 April 2019 Share – Collaborate - Survive – Defeat Introduction to BCKS IED Defeat Community of Practice (First Mi. Last)- Facilitator

Mission of the BCKS IED DEFEAT Community of Practice (CoP) 19 April 2019 19 April 2019 The mission of the BCKS IED Defeat Community of Practice is to provide an online NIPR level community of practice for the collaborative transfer of experiential knowledge on defeating improvised explosive devices (IEDs) from those who have it, to those who need it.

What is a Community of Practice (CoP)? 19 April 2019 Military Communities of Practice (CoP) are formed by Soldiers and DA Civilians who engage in a process of collective learning in a shared domain of human military endeavor: a Squad learning to survive on the battlefield, a group of combat engineers working on similar problems, a clique of Advanced NCO Course students defining their identity in the school, a network of staff officers exploring novel techniques, a gathering of first-time leaders helping each other cope. - (Paraphrasing of a definition originated by Dr. Etienne Wenger and found in his Communities of practice - a Brief Introduction document). CoPs are about people and collaborative social learning – not technology! BCKS uses state-of-the-art online hardware and software technology as an enabler to allow the forming of secure virtual military communities of practice which are available to Soldiers and leaders 24x7 and worldwide.

Searching for knowledge on the BCKS IED Defeat CoP. How knowledge and experience is transferred on the BCKS IED Defeat Community of Practice (CoP) 19 April 2019 Through moderated and secure NIPR level peer-to-peer discussions and conversations. Through member added content which converts knowledge and experience found in the heads of Soldiers, DA Civilians and Leaders into downloadable products, tools and best practices which are available to everyone in that job, function or profession. Via direct contact with topic leaders or mentors, subject matter experts, or peers. In essence the collective minds of the profession becomes the subject matter expert (SME). Searching for knowledge on the BCKS IED Defeat CoP.

How Communities of Practice (CoPs) fit in according to TRADOC 19 April 2019

How can participating in BCKS IED Defeat Community of Practice (CoP) benefit Soldiers, DA Civilians and leaders? 19 April 2019 Reduce the time needed to resolve specific IED defeat related technical or leadership problems and challenges. Considerably shorten the learning curve for a job, function or profession working on IED defeat by providing access to relevant online subject matter experts and mentors. By sharing NIPR level IED defeat experiences and knowledge collectively innovative/breakthrough ideas and tools will result to the benefit of all in that job, function or profession. Transfer IED defeat best practices from one Soldier or leader to another in near real-time. Decrease IED defeat negative outcomes for first time real world contact experiences. Avoid costly, life threatening IED defeat situations on the battlefield due to lack of knowledge and experience. Reduce the cost of IED defeat mission accomplishment through superior knowledge transfer. Fill the IED defeat knowledge gap between doctrine and TTPs learned at TRADOC schools and the practical application in a fast changing combat environment. Efficiently support our war fighters by generating IED defeat knowledge “on the fly” as needed by harnessing the collective minds of a particular profession. Precious time is not wasted collecting extraneous information.

Welcome to BCKS IED Defeat Community of Practice! 19 April 2019 19 April 2019

Sample Topic 19 April 2019 19 April 2019

Sample content item 19 April 2019 19 April 2019

Sample discussion 19 April 2019 19 April 2019

How do I get to the BCKS IED Defeat Community of Practice (CoP)? 19 April 2019 19 April 2019 BCKS IED Defeat is located at: https://forums.bcks.army.mil/secure/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=131710 Once there click “Become a Member”. Until you become a member you will be unable to access content or join in discussions located there. Other BCKS Communities of Practice can be found at: https://forums.bcks.army.mil/ You must have an existing DKO/AKO Account to access BCKS CoPs!