Alternatives in times of the reinvention of Capitalism Pablo Solón Chongqing 2012
Crisis & reconfiguration A new attack to the labor force Privatization of public services and knowledge (the commons) The expansion of financialisation A new assault to Mother Earth: Natural capital Intervention, criminalization and war
1) A new attack to the labor force Dismantle the welfare state in Europe The reduction of social benefits and wages Austerity Plans. Transfer the private debt to the public The expansion of labor to family spaces Promotion of new Free Trade Agreements (TPP) Weakening trade unions
2) Privatization of public services and knowledge Public Private Partnership Expansion of Intellectual Property Rights Redefining aid & cooperation
3) The expansion of financialization
The limits of the Earth System
The limits of the Earth System
4) A new assault to Mother Earth: Natural capital Grab the remaining MATERIAL part of nature (land, water, forest, biodiversity, costal areas, etc.) Bring into the market the NON- MATERIAL part of Nature: payment for environmental services, REDD, Biodiversity Compensation Credits,.. GREEN ECONOMY Agro fuels, GMOs, Synthetic Biology Geo-engineering
5)Intervention, criminalization and war Intervention, Coup d'état War Criminalization of activists Persecution of migrants Authoritarian governments & fascist expressions Building fortress
The alternatives are build in the struggles Austerity Plans Water privatization REDD – carbon markets Land Grabbing Coal mining and extractive industries Free Palestine FTAs Time is moving faster
“Living well” versus the “living better” Harmony between humans and with nature Redistribution Care Complementarity Nature is our home Community The goal: happiness Private accumulation and growing profit Grow – development Exploitation Competition Nature is the environment Individual To have more
Alternatives Socialization of basic services, key resources and enterprises Sustainable redistribution. From taxes to ceilings of incomes A social banking system for savings and credits (national, regional and global) Nationalization of currencies Food Sovereignty Deglobalization: the roll of trade and production Real democracy Universal citizenship Dismantling imperialism and neocolonialism The Rights of Nature
Thanks @pablosolon