Universal Reading Offer


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Presentation transcript:

Universal Reading Offer Aiming for consistency, quality, efficiency Strategic partnerships, Future-ready ‘Think innovatively, acting collaboratively and managing creatively to ensure the sustainability and future development of our services’

Why read? To stretch our imagination To encourage us to think differently To develop empathy and shared understanding To make sense of the world To escape, feel good and dream To learn For pleasure To develop the skill and expertise

What do we want? A literate and confident society Communities which are resilient, empowered and prosperous Families that are connected, healthy and happy Individuals that are confident, independent and engaged Individuals with amazing imaginations, empathy and understanding of others Children who read for pleasure!

Where are we now? 1 in 4 children cannot read well by the age of 11 16.4% of adults in the UK “score at the lowest level of proficiency in literacy costing the UK £81 billion a year in lost earnings and increased welfare spending” “32% of the adult population don’t read for pleasure” The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PPIRLS7) 2006 showed that reading for pleasure is a more powerful factor in life achievement than socio-economic background. http://www.worldliteracyfoundation.org/The_Economic_&_Social_Cost_of_Illiteracy.pdf Reading for a Fairer Future Save the Children http://www.oecd.org/site/piaac/Country%20note%20-%20United%20Kingdom.pdf http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201415/cmselect/cmbis/557/557.pdf DCMS Taking Part Survey 2012/13 http://www.nfer.ac.uk/research/projects/progress-in-reading-literacy-study-pirls/ http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/AboutNHSservices/mentalhealthservices/Pages/Overview.aspx How Mental Illness Loses out in the UK, Centre for Economic Performance’s Mental health Group, LSE, 2012 NICE Clinical Guidance 123, Common Mental Health Conditions, 2011 Paying the Price: The Cost of Mental Health Care in England to 2026, The Kings Fund, 2007

The Universal Reading Offer The Universal Reading Offer is a gateway to partnerships, resources, programmes and activity. In 2016 Libraries will: Be embedded within a national reading campaign Part of a working group committed to promoting and encouraging reading for pleasure. Able to raise the profile of libraries against local and national priorities Demonstrate how we extend reach and engage wider audiences.

The opportunities ahead 2016 is the BBC Get Reading campaign. 3 key spikes: ‘Shakespeare’, ‘Roald Dahl’ and ‘The Books that made…’ 22nd Oct – 5/6 Nov Get Reading weekend – two weeks of activity culminating in 5/6 Nov To be featured across all BBC channels and media SCL, ASCEL and TRA are part of the ROGO coalition and leading the reading for pleasure strand of that work Arts Council England is beginning to look at how we can promote this area of work more effectively Reading Offer team are beginning to develop a training and development proposition.

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