McGuffey Park Homeowners Association Meeting October 14, 2018 4:00pm
Your Board of Directors Matt Boatright Chris Perry Benjamin Mowris
MPHOA Financial Review- 2018 Budget to Actual
2018 Capital Improvements Pool pump & filter replacement: $980 Toilets in Pool House: $600 Pool Access Card System Motherboard: $525 Security System Upgrade: $3,290 Pool Lounge Chairs: $400
9/30/18 Cash Flow Analysis
McGuffey Park Long Term Debt Purpose was walking trail completed in 2016 Original Loan Amount- $62,000 Interest Rate 4.25% Annual Payments Due in May Final Payment of ~$10,850 will be made in the Spring of 2019.
2019 Budget The Operating Expense Budget is expected to remain consistent with the 2018 and prior years at approximately $30,000 There is no currently planned Capital Improvements in 2019. Budget of $3,000 for unexpected items The Revenue Budget will be dependent on the amount of annual dues determined for 2019.
Annual Dues and Amenities in Other Surrounding Neighborhoods
McGuffey Park Pool The McGuffey Park Pool is 20+ years old and is coming up on the end of its life We have continued to invest to repair various issues in the pool which primarily related to pool floor Timing? 1-5 years? The current estimate to renovate/rebuild the pool Collect over time or special assessment at once?
Potential Long-Term Loan Options
Upcoming Events Halloween Shindig Spring Annual HOA Meeting- Sunday October 28th @ 5-9pm Walking Trail Trick or Treat Costume Contests? Movie at Dusk? Other ideas? Spring Annual HOA Meeting- Saturday March 2nd @ 2-3pm
Open MPHOA Positions Volunteers for Committee’s: Welcome Committee Covenant Committee Party Committee Pool Maintenance Position Adult paid position Duties include cleaning bathrooms and pool area every evening along with various other items If interested talk to a Board Member
MPHOA Covenants & Common Complaints Cars are not to be parked in yards or in the street overnight Boats, trailers & trucks (larger than 1 ton), campers and RV’s are not to be parked in the driveway Trash containers should be out of view from the street Lawns are to be appropriately maintained, mowed and trimmed. No trash is to be left in the yard. Usage of Common Area: No motorized vehicles are allowed in this area including four-wheelers and dirt bikes. All outdoor building and fences must be approved by the HOA directors
Potential Vote on 2019 HOA Dues Quorum Present at Meeting?
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