District Organization and Functions
District Organization District Key Three (just like unit key three) District Chair (Committee Chair) District Commissioner (Cubmaster/Scoutmaster) District Executive (NCAC Org Representative per se)
Functions of the District All districts are responsible for carrying out four standard functions Membership Finance Program Unit Service District Chairman oversees membership, finance, and program District Commissioner oversees unit service
District Membership Function Membership Growth Organize new units Recruit new youth and adult members for existing units Guide program transitions (e.g. cubs to scouts) Recharter on time to prevent lapses Help with retention of youth and adults
Membership Growth Actions Know the district (community statistics) Plan development (satisfy community unit needs, pursue diversity opportunities, ID new charter units) Sponsor membership joining events Pursue community relationship efforts Serve units (dependent on unit commissioner support)
District Finance Function Council/District finances are dependent on the goodwill of those who live in our districts Funds required To build, improve, & operate camps Pay professional staff To provide training, plan activities and implement plans Build or rent service centers and operate them To support scouts in need
District Finance Actions Popcorn Sales Friends of Scouting Corporate and Personal Gifts Special Activities and Events (University of Scouting fees) United Way Bequests and Endowments
District Program Function Camping and outdoor activities Promote Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturing camping Conduct District Camporees Activities and civic service Promote unit service and Eagle projects Scouting for Food Training Build leader confidence, standards education, tracking, create opportunities Advancement and Recognition
District Unit Service Function Unit Commissioners Facilitate unit/district communications How is it going? How can we help? Mentor new unit leaders Informational resource Unit assessment/unit plan facilitator Promote membership (recharter/recruiting), finances, and programs to units for committee District Eagle Advisors Roundtable Commissioners