Grand Master Decisions Templar Law Law updates Grand Master Decisions
Grand Master Decision 1 Suspension and Restoration regarding multiple Commanderies Suspension from required prerequisite body
Grand Master Decision 1 Suspension from required prerequisite body Restored in prerequisite & a Commandery but not other Other Commanderies same as a non-affiliation Life membership automatic
Grand Master Decision 1 Suspension and Restoration regarding multiple Commanderies NPD Suspension from one Commandery
Grand Master Decision 1 NPD Suspension from one Commandery One suspension effective in all Commanderies may waive dues Can then issue a demit
Grand Master Decision 1 Suspension and Restoration regarding multiple Commanderies Multiple Grand Commanderies not different than from within same Grand Commandery
Grand Master Decision 1 Suspension and Restoration regarding multiple Commanderies Suspension for Un-Knightly conduct
Grand Master Decision 1 Suspension for Un-Knightly conduct One suspension effective in all Upon restoration may apply for re-affiliation in other Commanderies Affiliation rejection has no effect on anyone else
Grand Master Decision 2 Educational Committee standing resolution Standing resolution can not override constitution on rules of amendment Standing resolution is void
Grand Master Decision 3 Joint bank and investment accounts Separate if practical Adequate accounting required Separation may be required by order or law
Grand Master Decision 4 York Rite Coordination Standing resolution allows Grand Master to appoint committee Grand Master already has authority Standing resolution is void
Grand Master Decision 5 Order of Knight Beneficent of the Holy City Great Priory of America is unrecognized Templar Order Templars should not join it Automatic suspension not valid
Grand Master Decision 6 Multi-year committee appointments Multi-year committee appointments are legal Creation of such committee effective at end of conclave
Grand Master Decision 7 Past Grand Commander status Only completion of term can result in Past Grand Commander rank Grand Master has no power to violate constitution to award rank Grand Master may withdraw his own order of removal
Grand Master Decision 8 Additional requirements for Templar office Any member eligible for office under Grand Encampment Constitution is eligible for office May not impose additional requirements or prohibitions
Grand Master Decision 9 Holding Commanderies Koon Decision 5 stated that a holding Commandery was not required to obey the Constitution and Statutes of the Grand Encampment Decision is improper – Laws are to obeyed
Grand Master Decision 9 Holding Commanderies May form Commandery UD By long established custom UD Commanderies are more limited and under control of governing authority
The End