Wireless Communication Issues in Sensor Networks Alec Woo UC Berkeley October 2nd, 2003
Theme Explore underlying communication issues and their effects on high-level protocol design Single hop Zhao and Govindan, SenSys 2003 Extra: SCALE (Cerpa et al. CENS TR 2003) Network-level protocol multi-hop routing for data collection. (Woo et al., SenSys 2003)
Motivation Why do we care about all these details? we will experience it! if we want to implement our protocols actual deployment decision
Roadmap Single Hop packet loss characteristics Core dimensions Environment, distance, transmit power, temporal correlation, data rate, packet size Services for High Level Protocols/Applications Link estimation Neighborhood management Reliable Multihop Routing
Zhao’s Study Hardware MAC Encoding Environment Mica, RFM 433MHz TinyOS Mac (CSMA) Encoding Manchester (1:2) 4b/6b (1:1.5) SECDED (1:3) Environment Indoor, Open Structure, Habitat Environment
Indoor is the Harshest Linear topology over a hallway (0.5/0.25m spacing) 40% of the links have quality < 70% Lower transmit power yields smaller tail distribution SECDEC significantly helps to lower the heavy tail
Packet Loss and Distance Gray/Transitional Area ranges from 20% to 50% of the communication range Habitat has smaller communication range? Other evidence (Cerpa et al., Woo et al.) RFM: BAD RADIO??
ChipCon Radio (Cerpa et al.) Mica On Ceiling Higher transmit power doesn’t eliminate transitional region Range in (a) and (b) are the same? Indoor RFM result is worst than that in Zhao’s work cannot even see the effective region
Can better coding help? SECDED is effective if start symbol is detected but does not increase “communication range” Bit error rate (BER) is higher in transitional region Missing start symbol is fatal Better coding for start symbol?
Loss Variation (Cerpa et al.) Variation over distance and over time binomial approximation for variation over time? Zhao shows that SECDED helps decrease the variation over distance (but very large SD here)
Packet Loss vs. Workload Packet loss increases as network load increases But what is the network load? How many nodes are in range? Not sure! Is 0.5packets/s already in saturation? Difficult to observe is it hidden node terminal
Packet Loss vs. RSSI Low packet loss => good RSSI But not vice versa Too high a threshold limits number of links Network partition??
Other Findings Correlation of Packet Loss correlation at the gray (transitional) region for indoor Habitat: much less Independent losses are reasonable 50%-80% of the retransmissions are wasted Neighbor = hear a node once Asymmetric links are common > 10% of link pairs have link quality difference > 50% Cerpa et al. Moving a little bit doesn’t help Swap the two nodes, asymmetrical link swaps too i.e. not due to the environment
Packet Size (Cerpa et al.) Loss over distance is relatively the same for different packet size (25 bytes and 150 bytes) at different transmit power
Take Away Who to blame? What is the effective communication range? Radio? Similar results found over RFM and ChipCon radio Hardware calibration! Yeah! Base-band radio Multi-path will remain unless spread-spectrum radio is used But 802.11 is also not ideal (Decouto et al. Mobicom 03) What is the effective communication range? What does it mean when you deploy a network What defines a neighbor? Why study high density sensor network? Break?
Roadmap Single Hop packet loss characteristics Core dimensions Environment, distance, transmit power, temporal correlation, data rate, packet size Services for High Level Protocols/Applications Link estimation Neighborhood management Reliable multihop routing for data collection
Link Quality Estimation Estimate rate of successful reception from neighboring nodes RSSI may not work well Neighbors exchange estimations to derive bi-directional link quality 2 Techniques: Passive vs. Active Key decision factor: broadcast medium Passive: snoop on neighbor packets
What is a good Estimator? For a given error bound and agility, yields the most stable estimation with the smallest memory footprint and the simplest algorithm Agility and stability are at odds with each other
Agility and Error Bound Simulation worst case: 10% error ~ 100 packet time Assuming IID Binomial model, by the central limit theorem Worst case (p = 0.5) requires 10% error with 90% confidence requires ~100 packet opportunities to learn For example: at 30sec/packet 50 minutes for 100 packets forwarding traffic helps to reduce this time but potentially a long delay Major disadvantage
Infer Packet Loss Packet sequence number for inferring packet loss Issue: cannot infer loss until hearing the next packet E.g. dead node or mobility Can infer losses based on time Assume minimum data rate is known Likely to be true in periodic data collection
WMEWMA Estimator Compute an average success rate over time, T, and smoothes with an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) Average calculation Packet Received over T divided by Max of Number of packets expected over T Number of packets sent over T suggested by sequence number Tuning parameters: T and history size of EWMA Performance Yields agile and stable estimations Uses constant memory, and is very simple
Neighbor Table Maintain link estimation statistics and routing information of each neighbor How large should this table be? O(cell density) * meta-data for each neighbor Issue: Density can be high but memory is limited At high density, many links are poor or asymmetric Question: Can we use constant memory to maintain a set of good neighbors regardless of cell density?
Neighborhood Management Question: when table becomes full, should we add new neighbor? If so, evict which old neighbor? Neighbor Goodness Basic one is link quality but it is unknown Signal strength is a hint Rely on frequency of packet reception Assume periodic data packets or beacons Similar to frequency estimation of data streams, or classical cache policy
Management Algorithm When we hear a node, if Eviction: (FREQUENCY) In table: increment a counter for this node Not in table Insert if table is not full down-sample if table is full If successful, insert only if some nodes can be evicted Eviction: (FREQUENCY) Decrement counter for each table entry Nodes with counter = 0 can be evicted Otherwise, all nodes stay in the table
Key Results FREQUENCY algorithm can effectively Routing simulation: utilize 50% to 70% of the table space to maintain a set of good neighbors while being adaptive to neighborhood changes Routing simulation: Neighbor goodness is augmented to avoid maintaining sibling nodes based on routing cost difference
Reliable Routing 3 core components for Routing Routing protocol Neighbor table management Link estimation Example Tree based routing for data collection Reliable end-to-end packet delivery with minimum number of transmissions (link retransmissions) Advocate stability Simple
Design Issues Shortest path alone yields poor end-to-end success rate Multi-hop over bad links has exponential loss effect Two approaches SP over some link quality threshold Minimum expected number of transmissions as routing cost Route damping New route is not evaluated on every route updates Link failure detection using consecutive packet loss leads to instability link quality characterization is better Queuing Policy Two queues Fair allocation between forwarding and originating traffic Cycles Detection vs. loop-free
SP with Threshold High threshold (e.g. 70%) fails to form a tree Works fine in simulation! link quality degrades when there is traffic High threshold leads to network partition Echo the observation made in Zhao’s work Lower threshold (e.g. 40%) is also problematic Tree prunes and rebuilds over time when traffic is high
MT No predefine threshold is necessary Captures both reliability and energy cost Routing cost builds upon individual estimations along the path Cost = hops + number of expected link retransmissions if link quality = 100%, MT reduces to normal SP routing
Methodology Graph analysis Network simulation Empirical evaluation Assuming packet loss are independent, following Binomial model Empirical evaluation On site connectivity vs. distance study Find minimum transmit power Transitional/gray area starts at average node distance
Findings (I) Hop distribution and success rate longer majority hop-count yields higher success Hop distribution and distance Evidence of long links, potentially reliable Retransmissions are not too effective MT yields ~80% success rate packets delivered only experience 1 retransmission along the path A maximum of 2 retransmission per hop can Needs a maximum of 3 per hop to achieve over 90% end-to-end success rate
Findings (II) Link failure detection with consecutive packet loss leads to instability Stability and Congestion link quality fluctuates at congestion period creates global instability BS can hear half the number of neighbors in the network even with a low power setting MT metrics build upon link estimations are stable No cycles are detected
Discussions (I) Passive snooping Neighborhood management argument What are the assumptions for this to work? Estimation takes too long Can we infer from BER before FEC? (tricky)? But missing start symbol is the major cause! Neighborhood management argument Do you buy it? Stability Do we care? Congestion How to avoid it? Scheduled communication?
Discussions (II) Can we define a hop? Deployment Overhead One hop neighbor? What is the averaged hop distance? Deployment What’s the expected hop-count? What distance or transmit power should we use? Overhead Anecdotal setting of route update rate Can it be adaptive?
Discussion (III) Power DSDV (Yarvis et al. ICPP Workshop 2002) No address on power management How does it work with scheduled communication which avoids overhearing? Potentially run over low-power listening What’s used in Great Duck Island DSDV (Yarvis et al. ICPP Workshop 2002) Different kinds of link estimation and routing cost Do we need to prevent cycle like DSDV in a relatively static network? N-to-N Routing?