Lent 2018 - The Leviticus Offerings #2 - The Grain offering
The Grain Offering (Leviticus 2) The Purpose: An act of worship and thanksgiving Bread not blood Memorial portion, v2, 9, 16 remembering deliverance from slavery remembering the forgiveness of sin Salt - a perpetual reminder that God does not break his word Yeast & Honey forbidden – they both bring decay A ‘Pleasing aroma to the Lord’ – v2, 9, 12 Worship – it’s not about us, it’s for God [Lent ’18]
The Grain Offering The Purpose: worship and thanksgiving The Character of True Worship: Fine flour (the very best) = Costly and sacrificial Our whole lives are to be lived as a sacrifice of worship [Lent ’18]
‘Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.’ Romans 12:1 [Lent ’18]