Fundamentals of Case Management Practice- Nancy Summers Chapter 1 Ethics and Other Professional Responsibilities for Human Service Workers Fundamentals of Case Management Practice- Nancy Summers Presenter: Jungmi Ha
Dual Relationships(이중관계) A dual relationship occurs when you and a client to whom you are giving services have more than one relationship. The first rule is to avoid all dual relationships. Example- a hair stylist client; ask favor- later client says that he thought that we are friends. Then the relationship can never return to a professional one. Gifts from clients- manipulative.
Sexual or Romantic Relationships For client- respectful and concerned relationship may be the first time for them. - they attempt to turn it into something more permanent, more personally meaningful. It is not uncommon fro some clients to fall in love with their workers in what we call transference. Warning signs: 6-7page
Value Conflicts(가치 갈등) 1.Knowing yourself and your feelings about certain value-laden issues. –may interfere with services. If the conflict is severe- transfer the client to another case manager Avoiding Value Conflicts- 1. be respectful of attitudes and life styles that differ from your own. 2. Never practice prejudice toward minorities, the handicapped, or those differing in sexual preference 3. Never refrain from giving our best service to a person even when you disagree with the person. 4. Never attempt to change the consumer’s values.
Clients’ Rights(클라이언트의 권리) 1. Informed Consent(동의된 고지) 1). side effects, adverse effects, or negative consequences that could occur. 2). Any risks 3). What is being offered to the client 4). Any alternate procedures that are available
2. Confidentiality(비밀보장) 1)Release of Information Form 2)Collegial Sharing 3)Guarding Confidentiality on the Phone 4)Minors and the infirm 5)When you can break confidentiality 6)Privacy 7)Accessing the File 8)Self-Deternination
3. Privileged Communication(특권적 의사소통) It is a legal concept It protects the right of a client to withhold information in a court proceeding. When you can give information (p. 15) The intention to Harm Another-Tarasoff case Mandated Reporting Child abuse, elder abuse
Ethical Responsibility(윤리적 책임) Do not… Burdening the Client with Your Problems Meeting Your Needs Insisting on Your Solutions Exploiting Dependency
Competence(능력) Clearly know their limitations- not to try to do work for which they have not been trained.
Professional Responsibility(전문직업인으로써의 책임) 1. Know the parameters of your agency and operate within them. 2. Avoid dual relationship- do not invite client to your home.