Finals Prep Finals do not have to be frenzied or stressful! With the proper preparation, finals can be stress-free. Below are some tips to help you prepare for a successful week of finals. Know where and when your finals are for every class. Refer to the class syllabus and consult the final exam schedule. If you are unsure, ask your instructor. Some exams are scheduled on Saturday morning! Know how much the final counts toward your final grade in each class. Knowing this can help you determine how much of your overall study time to apply to each class. Manage your study time. You may need to make changes to your study schedule in preparation for finals. You may also need to change your work schedule, or ask for a decrease in hours. Spring 2019
Finals Prep, continued Know what kind of final you will be given in each class. Will the exam be cumulative? Will the questions be multiple choice or essay? Know the supplies you will need for each exam. Do you need a blue book? Can you use a calculator? Do you have at least two pens or pencils to use? Get your supplies now so you are ready. Get plenty of sleep the night before. Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning. Chugging an energy drink or coffee on the way to your exam is not the best idea and can worsen anxiety. If you need an energy boost before an exam, try eating a piece of fruit instead. For more finals prep help, visit For help with text anxiety, contact the Counseling and Testing Center at 978-3440. Spring 2019