Nursery Summer 2-Week 4 Pirates What’s in the Box Maths This week we will continue with number recognition, counting objects and the children will be counting out a given number of pirate gold. They will then take away a given amount from that group Personal, Social, Emotional Development SEAL – We start a new topic ‘ Changes ‘ where the children will think about some of the changes that happen in nursery and for the older ones the change that will happen when they go into Reception. This week the children will think of ways to change a bad feeling into a good one. Speaking & Listening In their key groups the children will be looking at a picture. They will talk about what they see and answer questions. Nursery Summer 2-Week 4 Pirates What’s in the Box Phonics In phonics some children will be playing lots of listening games and the older children will be learning all about the letters ‘l & j’, what sounds they make and objects that begin with that sound. Communication & Language Literacy The children will listen to lots of Pirate stories. This week we will be listening to the initial sounds of objects that we associate with pirates. We will say the sound, find the sound and write a list of what pirates need on there travels. The children will be talking about how long pirates are at sea for away from their families and friends. Would we like to be away from our families and friends for that long? Expressive Arts and Design The role play area inside and out will be a Pirate Ship and Island. The children will use what they have learnt to take on roles and make up stories. At the creative table The children will be making their own treasure chest and pirate hats. Physical Development In PE we will be spending our time practicing for sports day and practicing our play for our end of year celebrations. Mrs C Mayne