Work/Life Harmony Looking after No. One Ruth Handy IPPN Conference 2008 Work/Life Harmony Looking after No. One Ruth Handy
What are your Values? What is most important to you? Family Health Achievement Helping others Affection Challenge How much time do you give to them?
Time Management Sins Procrastination (Manana Syndrome) Allowing the tyranny of the urgent Taking on/promising too much/saying ‘Yes’ Not making lists/doing what comes to hand Not setting targets Untidy desk/pc Allowing others to steal your time
Good time managers Organise and execute around balanced priorities
Questions to ask myself Where should the bulk of my time be going? Where is it going? Do I ‘waste’ time? Are there techniques that I should be using to help me? Does my ’efficiency’ sometimes get in the way of my ‘effectiveness’?
Some calls, some mails, popular activities N Urgent 1. Crises Pressing problems Deadlines Not Urgent 2. Planning, Thinking, Preventive maintenance, Relationships 3. Interruptions Some calls, some mails, popular activities Some meetings 4. Trivia, ‘busy’ work’, some mail, Time wasters, Pleasant activities U N I M P O R T A UuUUU
Ways to ‘make’ time Say ‘No’ Delegate Work with your secretary Plan, prioritise and organise with targets Don’t dither, be polite but firm Don’t be a perfectionist Get a clock Be firm with ‘droppers in’.
Use the saved time for you Spend 30 minutes doing something you really like Eat lunch Find something to laugh at Pamper yourself occasionally Spend more time with your family Take up a hobby – unrelated to school Meet up with non-school friends Get a dog!
Other Tips Try to have 30 minutes between school & home When you reach home, shower and change into relaxing clothes Keep the school/home boundary relatively impermeable (separate mobiles) Educate parents & staff about your availability Build up your stress resilience
Enjoy the present First I was dying to finish school and start college. And then I was dying to finish college and start working. And then I was dying to marry and have children. And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough for school so I could return to work. And then I was dying to retire . And now I am dying …..And I suddenly realise I forgot to live.
READ to avoid Stress R = relaxation E = exercise A = attitude D = diet
Have a GLAD attitude G = Get rid of guilt L = Laugh & Look to your friends A = Accept limitations/adjust goals D = Develop a hobby
Give me the strength to change what I can, The patience to accept what I cannot change, And the wisdom to know the difference.