Literature: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Handouts: * Analyzing A Muppet Christmas Carol Homework: * In-class: Analyzing A Muppet Christmas Carol Assignments due: * None
Lesson Goal: Analyze a video version of A Christmas Carol to examine characterization and determine its theme. Outcomes: Be able to . . . 1. Identify examples of foreshadowing. 2. Name four ways that characterization is achieved for Ebenezer Scrooge. 3. State the theme for A Christmas Carol and support your answer.
Starter #1: Let’s see how closely this video version of Charles Dickens’ famous novella, A Christmas Carol, follows the condensed version of the story. As you view this video, keep in mind today’s handout. Look at those questions now, but don’t try to answer the final two questions until the end of our viewing.
Starter #2: Let’s look at the questions we will address at the end of the video. What characters have changed and in what ways? What is the theme of this story? Support your answer with evidence.