Use my energy to rip through the heavens! Kamina (Gurren Lagann) Energy Transfer Use my energy to rip through the heavens! Kamina (Gurren Lagann)
Potential the amount of stored Energy in an object
Kinetic -Energy of movement KE=(m x v2)/2 mass x veloc2_ 2
Energy transfer 1 Energy is stored as potential energy
Energy transfer 2 Energy is released as kinetic energy
Energy transfer 3 Energy dissipated by friction (heat is given off)
Energy transfer 4 Energy restores back to potential energy
Where is the most kinetic energy? As an object accelerates it gains speed and momentum (who hits harder?) standing boxer punching or boxer who moves into the punch? The closer it reaches back to potential energy the more kinetic energy the object has
Where is the most kinetic energy? Kinetic energy needs time to reach its maximum Right before the impact is the most kinetic energy
Where is the most kinetic energy? The impact sight is where the energy is transferred Potential Energy is strongest where kinetic is the weakest
Thermal Energy The energy that comes from heat