Entrepreneurship Track / Boots to Business (B2B) Element 33 Page 169
JAX/Norfolk 4/13/2019 B2B can help you: Explore the process of starting and running a small business Identify your military skills & experience that can contribute to your success as a business owner Develop a business plan, create a marketing plan, and understand the legal, financial, staffing and other tasks Decide if business ownership is a good fit for your talents, interests and resources Navy Pre-Sep Day 1
Potential benefits of business ownership JAX/Norfolk 4/13/2019 Potential benefits of business ownership Being your own boss Challenge and satisfaction of building something that belongs to you Financial rewards Navy Pre-Sep Day 1
A 3-phase program 1. Entrepreneurship Track during TGPS JAX/Norfolk 4/13/2019 A 3-phase program 1. Entrepreneurship Track during TGPS Two-day overview of key considerations & tasks related to starting a business Navy Pre-Sep Day 1
2. Foundations of Entrepreneurship JAX/Norfolk 4/13/2019 2. Foundations of Entrepreneurship Eight-week instructor-led online course More in-depth look at the starting and running a business Navy Pre-Sep Day 1
3. Boots to Business / Reboot JAX/Norfolk 4/13/2019 3. Boots to Business / Reboot Training for separated Veterans and their dependents Held at military installations Schedule of classes posted on SBAVETS website Navy Pre-Sep Day 1
JAX/Norfolk 4/13/2019 Take the next steps Review Block 5 of the ITP to preview what you’ll cover in the two-day Entrepreneur Track Review the manual for the Track (FFSC may have a hard copy) Sign up for the Track Navy Pre-Sep Day 1
Information & links related to the Boots to Business sba.gov/offices/headquarters/ovbd/resources/1 60511 sbavets.force.com/s/ ivmf.syracuse.edu/veteran-and-family- resources/starting-growing-a-business/boots- to-business/
JAX/Norfolk 4/13/2019 Two questions, please! Navy Pre-Sep Day 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPzUAEF4 XHA JAX/Norfolk 4/13/2019 Overview video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPzUAEF4 XHA List of B2B YouTube videos https://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer y=sba+boots+to+business Navy Pre-Sep Day 1
JAX/Norfolk 4/13/2019 Navy Pre-Sep Day 1