Causes of World War II AP US History
What is the historical context of US foreign policy from 1890-1918? 1890-1914: 1914-1918:
Part One: Rejection of WWI/Neutrality? 1918 – End of World War I 1919 – US Rejects Treaty of Versailles 1922 – Washington Naval Conference (5 Power Treaty/9 Power Treaty) 1924 – Dawes Plan 1928 – Kellogg Briand Pact
Part Two: Rise of Dictators/Buildup to WWII 1920s – Stalin comes to power 1931 – Japan invades Manchuria (2) Stimson Doctrine 1933 – Hitler comes to power 1935-37 – Neutrality Acts (2) 1937 – Japan invades China 1935-1938 – Hitler challenges Versailles Treaty 1937 – Quarantine Speech 1938 – Munich Conference 1939 – Start of World War II (2)
Part Three: Gradual American Entry into WWII 1939 – Neutrality Act of 1939 (Cash and Carry Law) 1939 – German victories 1940 – Bases for Destroyers Deal 1940 – America First Committee 1940 – Roosevelt Wins Third Term 1941 – Lend Lease Act 1941 – Germany Invades USSR 1941 – Pearl Harbor (3)
Practice SAQ What was a similarity between US foreign policy during the period from the start of the war to US entry into World War I (1914-1917) to the period from the start of the war to US entry into World War II (1939-1941). What was a difference between US foreign policy during the period from the start of the war to US entry into World War I (1914-1917) to the period from the start of the war to US entry into World War II (1939-1941).
Chronology – Put the Following Events in Order Bases for Destroyers Deal Start of WWI Lend Lease Act Roosevelt Corollary Neutrality Acts Spanish America War Pearl Harbor Attack Lusitania Treaty of Versailles Japan Invades China Zimmerman Note Filipino Revolution Washington Naval Conference Start of WWII
Chronology Spanish America War (1898) Filipino Revolution (1899) Roosevelt Corollary (1904) Start of WWI (1914) Lusitania (1915) Zimmerman Note (1917) Treaty of Versailles (1918) Washington Naval Conference (1921) Japan Invades China (1931) Neutrality Acts (1935-1937) Start of WWII (1939) Bases for Destroyers Deal (1940) Lend Lease Act (1941) Pearl Harbor Attack (1941)
Write intro: context (+1) and full thesis (+1) 12 Minutes Practice Writing Evaluate the relative importance of the causes which led the United States to enter the Second World War. Write intro: context (+1) and full thesis (+1) 12 Minutes
Japan Invades Manchuria (1931)
“Rape of Nanking” (1937) In six weeks up to 200,000 people were killed and anywhere from 20,000 to 80,000 women were raped by the Japanese Army.
Rise of Fascism in Germany
Joseph Stalin - USSR
Neutrality Acts
Neutrality Acts
Munich Conference 1939 Appeasement of Hitler
Start of WWII – Fall 1939
German Expansion – 1939 to 1941
Destroyers for Bases Deal
Election of 1940
Lend Lease Act - 1941
Atlantic Charter
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor
“A Date Which Will Live in Infamy”