English 11 – Period 1 - Wed, Nov. 9, 2016 HW due today: Printed ROUGH DRAFT– we will peer edit in class! Right Now/Warm Up: Rough draft IN BOX MUG Shot Notebook (continue) / Lit Term Notebook (begin) .
English 11 – Period 1 - Wed, Nov. 9, 2016 Rhetorical Speech Essay: Exchange your rough draft w/a peer Using peer edit sheet, give constructive feedback **If you do not have this today, you will work on required alternative nonfiction annotation/response! HW NEXT CLASS – Rough draft, Peer Edit Sheet, and printed final copy DUE! .
Works Cited Citation / In-Text Citation Works Cited Citation Template: Last, First M. “Website Article.” Website. Publisher, Day Month Year. Web. Day Month Year. Example: Clinton, Hillary R. “Speech on the Human Rights Agenda for the 21st Century.” American Rhetoric. American Rhetoric. 14 Dec. 2009. Web. 20 Oct. 2016. In-text Citation Template: (Last Name). **(at end of sentences w/quotes & before period)
The Great Debaters (20-30 min.): Tasks: Finish film Work on film Study Guide – due NEXT class! CHOOSE TWO - Extended paragraphed response (on loose leaf) – SUBMIT at end of block!