Classical Roots Lessons 5 and 6
CUM (CO) = “with,” “together with” Coherent (haerere <L. “to stick to”) Colloquial (loqui <L. “to speak”) Commiserate (miser <L. “miserable,” “wretched”) Condone (donum <L. “gift”) Commodious (modus <L. “measure”) Contrite (tenere <L. “to grind”)
TENEO, TENERE, TENUI, TENTUM= “to hold,” “to keep” Abstain (ab <L. “away from”) Impertinent (im = in <L. “not”) Pertinacious (per <L “through”) Tenacity
APO, APERE, EPI, APTUM= “to fasten,” “to attach” aptitude inept (in <L. “not”)
JUNGO, JUNGERE, JUNXI, JUNCTUM= “to join” adjunct (ad <L. “to,” “toward”) conjugate (con = cum <L. “with”) injunction (in <L. “in”) juncture subjugate (sub <L. “under”)
STRINGO, STRINGERE, STRINXI, STRICTUM= “to draw together tightly,” “to tie” astringent (a = ad <L. “to”) strait stringent
Words to Study: Lessons 5 & 6 abstain * adjunct MOST IMPORTANT: coherent * aptitude Know the Latin derivatives colloquial * astringent For example: commiserate * conjugate [in = <L. “not”] commodious * inept condone * injunction contrite * juncture impertinent * strait pertinacious * stringent Tenacity * subjugate