Shining As Lights In The World Matthew 5:16 Shining As Lights In The World
Shining as lights in the world In the midst of a crooked and perverse generation – Philippians 2:12-16 “The old norms once held true are no longer accepted by the majority.” *Socially – divorce, remarriage, living together, homosexuality accepted as “alternate lifestyles” *Religiously – women leaders in churches, homosexual ministers, “new age” religions
Shining as lights in the world How are Christians to react to this change in our society? What can we do to change the direction in which our society is heading? “Political action committees?” Boycotts, “economic blackmail?” Violence, verbal and physical? What can we do to protect ourselves? Should we change views to conform? Should we isolate or form communes?
Shining as lights in the world The Scriptures Provide The Correct Answers Epistle to the Philippians Christians in a Roman Culture Heavily influenced by paganism Social emphasis on Intellectualism Rampant Immorality Philippians 2:12-16
Shining as lights in the world Working Our Own Salvation First! (12a) “First remove the plank from your own eye” – Matthew 7:1-6 Must be careful when we react to others- Galatians 5:19-21 “works of the flesh” 1 Corinthians 9:27 “I myself should become disqualified
Shining as lights in the world With Fear and Trembling (12b) “Fear” in connection with God not popular today Jesus taught – Matthew 10:28 Need to have proper “Fear and Trembling” Needed to “work out our own salvation” Could absence of “fear and trembling” account for apathy in church today?
Shining as lights in the world Letting God Work in us (13) Necessary to succeed How does God work? – John 16:13 Causes us to WILL for His good pleasure And TO DO His good pleasure Not enough to WANT to please God – must DO things that please God. Let God do His work- Ephesians 3:20,21 Careful not to Quench God’s efforts to work in us – 1 Thessalonians 5:19
Shining as lights in the world Without Complaining and Disputing (14) Maintaining a Positive Attitude 1 Corinthians 10:10-12 Getting Along With Your Brethren John 17:20-23 “that the world may know” 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 “are you not carnal?”
Shining as lights in the world Children Of God Without Fault (15) Requires us to become “blameless” “not rightfully blamed for anything.” Nothing hinders our ability to “shine as lights” like inconsistency and hypocrisy, especially that which is evident to all! Requires us to be “harmless” 2 Timothy 2:24-26
Shining as lights in the world Holding Fast The Word Of Life (16) Word of the God is the “sword of the Spirit” – Ephesians 6:10-17 James 1:18 “brought us forth by the word of truth” 1 Peter 1:23 “having been born again… through the word of God” Romans 1:16 “power of God to salvation” “Hold Forth” – Ezra 7:10 “prepare heart”
Shining as lights in the world Work our own salvation With Fear and Trembling Letting God work in us Not complaining and disputing Children of God without fault Holding fast/ forth the word of life Philippians 2:16 “rejoice in the day of Christ”