Promoting Culture, Arts & Scór at Club Level Caoileann Mc Enhill
What is Scór? A GAA-sponsored, All-Ireland based competition “The GAA shall actively support the Irish language, traditional Irish dancing, music, song and other aspects of Irish culture. It shall foster an awareness and love of the national ideals in the people of Ireland and assist in promoting a community spirit through clubs.”
Important Notice to Divisional & County Committees Each County is required to organise Scór and Scór na nóg (Under 17) competitions as directed by congress Each County Board is expected to set up a SPECIAL COMMITTEE to promote, organise and run Scór Competitions Every County and Divisional Committee should appoint a Scór Rúnaí, and every Club should have Scór Rúnaí registered with the County Committee All Clubs and Divisions elect a Scór Officer at their A.G.M. An Coiste Náisiúnta Scór wishes to stress the importance of Club effort
“Without Scór, a GAA club is just another sports society.” - Jarlath Burns
Order of Competitions 1.Rince Foirne - Ceili or figure-dancing 2.Amhránaíocht Aonaoir- Solo Singing 3.Ceol Uirlise - Instrumental Group 4.Aithriseoireacht/ Scéalaiocht - Recitation/Storytelling 5.Bailéad Ghrúpa - Ballad Group 6.Tráth na gCeisteanna - Question Time 7.Nuachleas - Novelty Act 8.Rince Seit - Set Dancing
Scór & Me Obtained many benefits from competing in Scór: Lasting friendships Travelled the country Ambassador for my club Opened many doors of opportunity
Scór & St Enda’s Public profile Role of women Non-sporting honours for club Entertainment!
Scór & the GAA Pride in being ambassadors for your club Inculcates sense of fairness & respect Promotes Inter-Club & Inter-County friendships Reaches out to all communities
“Without Scór, a GAA club is just another sports society.” - Jarlath Burns
All-Ireland Titles – Roll of Honour Galway 20 Mayo 11 Monaghan 5 Leitrim 19 Offaly 10 Donegal 4 Limerick 19 Down 9 Fermanagh 4 Tyrone 19 Sligo 8 Wexford 4 Tipperary 17 Westmeath 8 Carlow 2 Waterford 17 Cavan 7 Laois 2 Clare 16 Derry 7 Meath 2 Dublin 15 Longford 7 Wicklow 2 Cork 15 Roscommon 6 Kildare 1 Armagh 15 Antrim 5 Kilkenny 0 Kerry 13 Louth 5
In Summary… 1. Contact County Scór secretary 2.Appoint a Club Scór secretary 3.Form your committee (at least 4) 4.Appraise yourself of the rules Good Luck!