Agenda 5/01/17 Unit 8: Warm up #4 Children’s March in Birmingham video Lecture #4 Major Events of the Civil Rights Movement Exit Slip #10
Warm Up #4 What does the Civil Rights Movement mean to you? How did it affect your life? Sentence Starter: The Civil rights Movement means__________. It affected my life because________.
Lecture #4 Major Events of the Civil Rights Movement FLT: I will be able to analyze major events of the Civil Rights Movement and their contributions to social progress.
Children’s March in Birmingham What was the purpose of African-American marching through Birmingham? What was the result of the march? What was the long-term result of the march?
Birmingham, Al. (1963) most segregated city in America and most racial violence (18 bombings from 1957-1963) MLK- flew to Birmingham to hold meetings and target Birmingham until it desegregated *Letter From A Birmingham Jail- King arrested in protest and defended use of Civil Disobedience as some said King was moving to slow Imagine if blacks decided to ignore MLK’s strategy of peaceful protest and began to fight back against whites? *choice he warned his way of peaceful protest or blood in the streets if black militants gained more support
*Birmingham soon desegregated and was a major civil rights victory Children Protest- 1000+ Af/Am children marched, police attacked protestors with dogs, firehouses, and clubs TV captured the violence committed by the police and fire department against young protestors and millions saw the beatings (and heard children scream) *Birmingham soon desegregated and was a major civil rights victory Explain how these images really show the segregationists to be un-American? Think about what kinds of countries or governments you would expect their police to carry out these atrocities?
Overview Video eV7bjijuEYlQxckxxQ3ZnZk0
2) Blacks have a right to self defense if attacked by whites Malcolm X- born Malcolm Little, jailed at 20yrs old for burglary, turned to the Muslim Faith called The Nation of Islam Ideas- 1) whites were the cause of black's problems, so blacks should live separately from whites and take care of themselves (not rely on whites to help blacks) 2) Blacks have a right to self defense if attacked by whites How are whites and moderate Christian Af/Ams like MLK going to respond to Malcolm X’s message? Malcolm X frightened whites and moderate blacks Push for Black Power Movement
Why do you think the Civil Rights movement has moved to CA where there is no segregation? Leaders- Huey P Newton & Bobby Seale Black Panther Party BPP- -started in 1965 in Oakland, Ca empower blacks to stand up against police brutality + take control of the community, also preached armed revolt (openly carried guns as a 2nd Amendment right) Evaluate if you feel that the BPP has the right to carry guns and confront the police? Started Charity Work like breakfast programs, day care, and other services Style- black Berets, leather jackets, sunglasses Outcome- FBI investigations to break up the BPP and shootouts w/ police end the party
Exit Slip # How have these events/people impacted the way you live today? Sentence Starters: These events/ people have impacted the way I live today because_________.
Malcolm X shot dead by Black Muslims (Feb. 21, 1965) His race philosophy changes when he makes a Hajj to Mecca and he starts to accept racial equality and peaceful protest Leaves the Nation of Islam and starts preaching racial solidarity MLK shot dead while on balcony (Tennessee, April 4, 1968) Outbreak of racial violence, property damage (over 100 cities), and 40 dead. -
Agenda 5/02/17 Unit 8: Warm up #5 Finish Lecture #4 Major Events of the Civil Rights Movement Gallery Walk Reflection Questions
Warm Up #5 How do you achieve justice when there are unjust laws? Sentence Starter: In my opinion, you can achieve justice when there are unjust laws by______.
Warm Up #5 How do you achieve justice when there are unjust laws? MLK: “Don’t ever let anyone pull you so low as to hate them.” “We will not hate you, but we cannot…obey your unjust laws… we will soon wear you down by our capacity to suffer. And in winning our freedom, we will so appeal to your heart and conscience that we will win you in the process.”
17 year old civil rights demonstrator attacked by police dogs in Birmingham, Alabama (May 1963)
Major Events Gallery Walk In small groups of 3 or 4, match each iconic photograph of the major events of the Civil Rights movement to its correct text Use the text and photographs to complete your Major Events Gallery Walk handout
MLK Day (2017) .com/watch?v=dbgE N79Uf3E
Freedom Riders on Oprah (2011)
March On Washington (1963)
Selma (2014) .com/watch?v=HEF RPLM0nEA
Reflection – Journal Entry Write a journal entry as you reflect on the major events of the Civil Rights Movement while addressing the following questions: What were the major events of the Civil Rights Movement? How did they contribute to social progress? How have these events/people impacted the way you live today?