What is a Mentor Sentence? Mentor sentences are well-written sentences that show off author’s craft from the novels we are reading in the classroom. They are chosen based on style, language, grammar and mechanics. Mentor sentences teach students to become better writers, while simultaneously teaching grammar.
What our mentor sentence instruction looks like daily: *Day 5 is the Day 1: Invitation to Notice What do you notice about the sentence. You might see exciting words, figurative language, the type of sentence, or even special parts of speech. Write down what you notice! Day 2: Invitation to Label Rewrite the mentor sentence exactly as it is written. Label all of the parts of speech that you know in the sentence! Ex: Noun (n), verb (v), adjective (adj.)… Day 3: Invitation to Revise Revise the mentor sentence by making it more descriptive or exciting. Try adding or changing adjectives, verbs, or specific nouns. Remember to keep the meaning of the sentence the same! What our mentor sentence instruction looks like daily: *Day 5 is the graded assessment. Day 4: Invitation to Imitate Imitate the mentor sentence by keeping the style and structure the same, but making it your own. Create a brand new sentence!