WP8 Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (DEC) Palais Liechtenstein Vienna, 25 February 2015 Jan Stambasky, EBA
Brief overview of the WP WP8 closely interrelates with WP2 for networking and cooperation activities It also complements the content-based WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6 8.1 Project’s corporate identity 8.2 Project’s website 8.3 Project leaflet, postcards, roll-up, newsletters, press releases 8.4 European Dissemination & Exploitation 8.5 Final booklet 2
Objectives Disseminate and exploit the activities and results of the project Spread the knowledge in the European background Communicate to key target groups along with the general public and decision makers 3
Activities and Tasks DEC starting kit/visual identity (logo, templates) + DEC plan by March– ISIS On-line repository tool to be operational by May– ISIS Website by April – ISIS (at keast) basic translations to be available in FR, HU, DE, IT – project partners Ongoing contributions (articles, news, updates) – project partners Website management – EBA/ISIS Dissemination and communication by May – EBA (and partners where mentioned) Leaflet, postcard, roll-up: distinctive, catchy and recognisable; by May Translated to FR, HU, IT, DE – partners 3 press releases: 1st in February (after kick-off), 2nd after a major achievement accoring to the WPs, 3rd before (announcing) or after (recap) the final conference 6 newletters: sent out on a 6 months basis; 2 pages, articles reproduced in partners’ newsletters, containing ongoing and updated statistics (biomethane price, production or similar); first one in June Contributions and translations into HU, FR, IT. DE - partners Social media: #hashtag for the project - #BIOSURF is not taken; dissemination of all material online, already in February Contributions by all partners and later involvement of stakeholders and other beneficiaries Final booklet: end of the project European tranferability during the course of the project – EBA to coordinate/contributions from partners (3x3 events to be identified) Final conference at the end of the project – 100 participants 4
Time Schedule and Next Steps 5
Leaflet is Getting Ready… 6
BIOSURF WP8 – D & E & C Jan Stambasky President stambasky@european-biogas.eu European Biogas Association Rue d’Arlon 63-67 +32 2 400 1089 Erneszt Kovacs e.kovacs@european-biogas.eu (Technical Advisor; communication, design) 7