THEORY Positivistic/Post-Positivistic Law-like & causal Interp./Critical shapes the way we view. Is a lens
THEORIES OF MASS COMMUNICATION Cultivation Theory (Wood, 2008) Uses & Gratification (Wood, 2008) Spiral of Silence Theory (West & Turner, 2007) Media Ecology Theory (West & Turner, 2007)
THEORIES OF MASS COMM Cultivation Theory - Gerbner Cultivation – a cumulative process by which TV fosters beliefs about social reality
CULTIVATION THEORY 2 mechanisms Mainstreaming Resonance
ASSUMPTIONS OF CULTIVATION THEORY TV is different from other forms of mass media TV shapes our society’s way of thinking & relating The influence of TV is limited
USES & GRATIFICATION THEORY – Katz, Blumer & Gurevitch
USES & GRATIFICATION Reasons for Use Passing Time Companionship Escape Diversion Personal Identity Connection to other Separation Excitement Obtaining Info
ASSUMPTIONS OF USES & GRATIFICATION Audience is active & its media use is goal oriented Link to need gratification to medium choice goes to audience Media compete for need satisfaction Value judgments of media content can only be assessed by audience
SPIRAL OF SILENCE THEORY ‘ Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
SPIRAL OF SILENCE Media influence is gradual If in majority - encouraged If in minority – discouraged Ergo – majority ideas are discussed
ASSUMPTIONS OF SPIRAL OF SILENCE THEORY Society threatens deviant ind. with isolation & fear of isolation is prevalent Fear causes ind. to assess climate of opinion Public behavior is affected by public opinion assessment
MEDIA ECOLOGY Technology affects life
MARSHALL MCLUHAN “The medium is the message.”
ASSUMPTIONS OF MEDIA ECOLOGY Media infuse every act and action in society Media fix our perception & organize our experiences Media tie the world together