Welcome to Kindergarten Ms. Rodriguez and Ms Welcome to Kindergarten Ms. Rodriguez and Ms. Garcia “Go Panthers” 2017-2018
Areas to be Discussed Welcome/Introduction Academics Behavior General First week of school Drop off/Dismissal
Curriculum The kindergarten curriculum consists of Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Our curriculum follows the Florida Standards providing your child with a well-rounded and complete education. Grade book % Tests 45% Classwork 30% Quizzes 10% Homework 10% Projects 5%
Daily Schedule 8:30 - 8:45 Homeroom/Attendance 8:45 - 9:20 Specials 9:25 - 9:40 Morning Routine 9:40- 11:10 Reading/Language Arts 11:15 -11:45 Lunch 11:50-12:45 Math/Calendar Math 12:45 - 1:15 Recess/Snack 1:25 - 2:25 Social Studies/Science 2:30 Dismissal
Specials Ms. Rodriguez’s Group Monday: Art with Ms. Roche Tuesday: STEM with Mr. Lee Wednesday: Physical Education with Mrs. Capiro(PE uniform) Thursday: Spanish with Ms. Collado Friday: Music with Mrs. Khalfina Ms. Garcia’ Group Monday: Music with Mrs. Khalfina Tuesday: Art with Ms. Roche Wednesday: STEM with Mr. Lee Thursday: Physical Education with Mrs. Capiro (PE uniform) Friday: Spanish with Ms. Collado
Homework Homework guidelines will be distributed quarterly once we begin. However daily reading begins on the first day of school. Sight words will be assigned on a monthly basis. Your child’s red folder is their homework folder. Your child’s homework folder must come to school on a daily basis along with the school planner. Book reports/Projects – At times, there will be a special report due. These reports are to be created and presented by each student. Reports are to be turned in on the due date. For the first two weeks you will focus on shoe tying and helping your child learn their phone number and address; and full birthday. Beginning week three we will begin our homework routine for the remainder of the year. Math: One nightly page reviewing the day’s taught concept. Reading/Language Arts: Students will review and study monthly sight words, phonics and or writing practice page. LEAP/After Care Programs: If your child completes their homework at an afterschool care program, please check that their work is completed and ready for the next day.
Ask your child every night about what we did today. Planners Planners are required by the school and are $8 (online only). The planner must go home and return to school on a daily basis. Please check your child’s planner every day for important information. You will find your child’s daily homework in the planner. Ask your child every night about what we did today.
Friday Folders Friday folders are the Somerset folders. They go home on Fridays and come back on Mondays. Please empty the folder unless there is something that needs to be signed and returned to us.
Daily Snack Please send a simple healthy snack with your child every day in their book bag. Snack should be in a Ziploc bag on the outside pocket and water is the only drink allowed.
Classroom Rules 1. Listen when others are speaking. 2. Raise your hand to speak. 3. Work quietly & finish work on time. 4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. 5. Show respect for each other. 6. Respect school property.
Classroom Management Plan As I firmly believe that life-long success depends on self discipline, I have developed a classroom discipline plan that affords every student the opportunity to manage his/her own behavior. If a student chooses to break a rule: 1. Verbal warning 2. Name on board 3. Name on board with √ (no free time) 4. Note to parents 5. Severe disruption-refer to office
Rewards To encourage students to follow classroom rules, I will reinforce appropriate behavior with: Verbal praise and recognition “Pawsome Coins” Class store at the end of the week Fun Friday Activities Work/homework Pass Compliment Party
Communication Parent involvement and constant communication between us is essential for your child’s success. The best way to communicate with us is through email or via planners/notes. Our email address: mrodriguez@somersetacademy.com jagarcia@somersetacademy.com
Somerset Webpage All important information regarding our class is always on the Somerset Academy class webpage. Please go to somersetacademy.com, then click on staff directory, and finally click on Ms. Rodriguez or Ms. Garcia. Feel free to check this site every Friday after 5:00 p.m. for updated information regarding our weekly curriculum and assignments.
Ways to Stay In Touch Send in a note in our red homework folder or planner School’s website www.somersetacademy.com Contact us at mrodriguez@somersetacademy.com jagarcia@somersetacademy.com Somerset Academy Elementary 954-404-7616 Room 3
General Items Somerset Academy South Morning Care Options *Breakfast is available for purchase starting at 7:50am Regular Morning Care 7:15am-8:15am $100 per month paid online Deposit and registration required online Sibling Care 7:30am-8:15am $100 per year paid online in full PreK-1st grade students with a M/H sibling are eligible Registration required online Shuttle Care Elementary students using the shuttle service will be supervised in the cafeteria. No fee but registration required General Morning Queue/Carpool Students are to be dropped no earlier than 8:15am unless enrolled in morning care or having breakfast (7:50am)
Money Procedures Please make sure that all money is in an envelope with your child’s name and what the money is for. We highly encourage that all parents make online payments for everything possible. Checks are only accepted for lunch account and must be $25 or more.
Lunch and Birthdays Lunch and breakfast can be prepaid by check or online. Lunch is $3.25 and breakfast is $1.50 (daily). Please complete the Free & Reduced Lunch Form provided. Birthday celebrations will only take place during lunch time. Cupcakes, cookies or doughnuts are encouraged. Please notify me ahead of time so that we may plan accordingly.
Volunteer Hours Parents need to volunteer 30 hours in the school year. Please look out for our wish list emails or class webpage. Once you have filled out the volunteer form we will be happy to sign it. Please remember to keep and submit all receipts.
Ways to Volunteer Field Trips Room Parent – let us know if interested Work From Home School wide Events Class donations
Fieldtrips Three fieldtrips throughout the year Only registered volunteers will be allowed to attend. Limited number of chaperones per trip. Must wear spirit shirt to participate.
School Uniforms Full approved uniform every day PE approved uniform on PE day Fridays- Spirit shirts and jeans or full approved uniform Spirit shirts are required to participate on field trips
Conferences Given by appointment only We conference in person twice a year (fall and spring) or if there is a concern
Attendance Be here everyday on time! Doors open at 8:15. Students are marked tardy if they arrive after 8:35. If a student is absent the parent/guardian has 48 hours to excuse it through a note, phone call, or e-mail. After 48 hours you must have a doctor’s note to be excused. Students with perfect attendance will be recognized at the end of the school year.
First Week of School Parents may walk their students to class on August 15th-17th.....but on August 20th, they are INDEPENDENT! On Independence Day, Monday, August 20th-students can wear Red, White & Blue! Backpack tags-fill out at open house and be specific. Should be on book-bag 1st day of school. Complete and return all forms in the first day packet by Monday, August 20th.
Dismissal Carpool pickup is from 2:30-3:00 p.m. Students who are not picked up by 3:05 will be signed into the office and there will be a charge of $25 added to your volunteer hours. Early Release Days – dismissal is at 12:30 p.m. If you pick-up from the car lane: Please hang a red colored decal from your rearview mirror and make sure to include your child’s name using a dark permanent marker. Early Pick-up is not allowed after 2:00 p.m. If there is a change in the way that your child is getting home the best way to notify me is by sending a note or calling before 1:30 p.m.
We’re going to have a great year! Thank You For Coming! We’re going to have a great year!