What is the FOA? (Starting Nov 15) Language focused IA this year for Part 2- 1 FOA this year, 1 next year for Part 1, and you will submit your highest score to IB. Requirements for presentation: Individual presentation that is 12-15 minutes in length Analyzing language within 1-2 texts (can go up to 3, but it’s tough to get depth) Texts must be American focused (Canada & Latin America OK!) Presentation must thematically tie back to the social studies content in some way Must be grounded in 1-2 focused language topics
Ideas For Analyzing Language with Part 2 This year so far, our language focus has been on persuasion through: Propaganda techniques Rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) Advertising techniques Rhetoric Use what you have learned and think about different types of texts you can focus on. What language techniques you can pull from your texts to add depth to your analysis? Think about: Songs, political cartoons, news clips, newspaper articles, magazine articles, blogs, advertisements on TV, printed advertisements, campaigning/campaign ads, essays, speeches, political propaganda, opinion pieces, satire, censorship, etc.
FOA Connections The text(s) that you choose are essential to a successful FOA, because that is where your language analysis is coming from. Based on your specific language topics and the text(s) you are choosing, think about: What information is being distributed & why how the information is being distributed how it is formatted/layout who the target audience is & why How does the language used in your text(s) impact the meaning of the text? Can you connect your topic to modern day? (Doesn’t necessarily work for all topics- that’s OK!) Think about thematic connections you can make in your presentation.
When analyzing ANY text, consider these things: 1. Audience/purpose- Who does the text target? What does the author hope to achieve through the text? 2. Content/theme- what is literally happening in the text? What is the text about? What’s the message of the text? 3. Tone/mood- What is the author’s attitude about the subject of the text? How do you, the audience, feel about the text? What’s the atmosphere of the text? 4. Stylistic devices- How does the author use language techniques to convey a message? 5. Structure- How is the text organized? (layout/formatting) What kinds of structural elements of the text type do you see?