Consumer Case Study Leicester City Council Prakash Patel Team Leader –Energy Management
The Energy Management Team administers more than 3,000 individual energy accounts each month. Close monitoring of these resources is absolutely essential if costs and consumption are to be controlled properly. Monitoring and target setting represents a very low cost method of saving energy and yields a very high rate of success. Leicester City Council spends over £8.5 million a year on energy and water for its premises. Its building stock is extremely varied and includes swimming pools, schools, offices, libraries, museums and district heating for housing estates. Leicester City Council
Leicester City Council has some very ambitious environmental Commitments to reduce energy and water in its buildings Leicester is committed to having the amount of energy it was using in 1990 by 2025 and aims to get 20% of all its energy from renewable systems by 2020 For many years Leicester City Council has played an active role in encouraging and supporting measures which, protect our environment. This was recognised in 1990, when Leicester became Britain's first Environment City. Leicester City Council has since adopted a number of "green" policies, ensuring that its own services and activities meet the high standards it encourages others to adopt.
The AMR Journey Looking for a technical solution that would enable us to re-charge the different tenants occupying these premises each month Industrial Premises with 27 Individual Units
Pilot rollout across key City Centre Council Buildings
The gas usage does not reflect the buildings operational hours (Office hours). The gas usage is ON constantly and never shuts OFF even on holidays. (WASTAGE) Wastage / Opportunities Faulty Controls
Radio Antenna Meters Data Bird Local Logger Central Receiver / Data Logger GPRS Computer
Rollout of AMR across our portfolio Participated and managed a number of projects that focused on AMR Technology Improved existing tools and processes to make things easier - automation Develop tools and learnt different way to communicate message Leicester City Council / Leicester Energy Agency
Projects Past Projects Carbon Trust – Advanced Metering for SMEs (includes Schools) Intelligent Energy Europe – aIM4SMEs Current Projects European Regional Development Fund – Reducing Carbon Emissions in SMEs SMARTSPACES Heat Metering Pilot for LCC Domestic premises
MeasureAnalyse Actions Half Hourly Data: Electricity Gas Water Heat Temperature Energy Management: Exception Reporting Standard Reports Bill Validation Benchmarking Savings Empower Organisations to Make the Right Decisions: Operational Maintenance Investment End to End System Bureau Service Customer On-line Access
Constant Targets Weather Dependent Targets Signature Targets The above targets also include a calendar of applicable days Types of Exceptions & Alarms Bureau Service
Signature Profile High / Low usage Alarms Continuously learns the signature consumption profile – using the shape of past consumption profile to predict future consumption
Weather Dependent Profile Heating manually switched to the ON position constant
Baseload Analysis Occupied Period Unoccupied Period - League Tables Electricity, Gas & Water Compares consumption over unoccupied / occupancy periods
Saving 4,818 cubic metres per year (£11,755)
The above profile shows wastage; The building is occupied between 9am and 3.30pm, but the gas boilers were firing up at approx. 11:00pm and shut off at around 3:00pm (Mon – Fri). Off at the weekend.
Report Formats
Annual Saving of 240,000 kWh & £18,000 Variable Speed Drives
Pool Covers
Boiler Replacement Annual Saving of 70,000 kWh & £2,200
Customer On-line Access
Leicester City Council and De Montfort University (DMU) are key partners in a major new EU-wide research initiative to significantly reduce the energy consumption of public buildings. SMARTSPACES is a three-year project that will enable public authorities across Europe to significantly improve the management of energy in their buildings by finding new ways to monitor and give feedback to building users about energy consumption. The project – with a value of more than seven million euros includes 11 pilot sites – three in the UK including Leicester - with more than 550 buildings in eight countries. The aim of this project is to develop ICT solution to improve energy efficiency behavioural charge (good housekeeping) in pilot public buildings through data visualisation. Leicester City Council and DMU will be looking at how we would display energy information in these buildings to enable professionals / staff / visitors comment on why they think the daily/weekly energy consumption in that building is higher / lower than expected (early intervention). Leicester City Council has partnered with DMU to develop systems to engage with users, managers and visitors of 20 public buildings including Schools, Leisure Centres, Community Centres, Offices, etc.
Project pilot sites Started on 1 January 2012 Duration: 3 years Participants 11 partner sites in 11 cities in 8 countries: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Serbia Operated by 26 partners
Simplicity through sophistication Advanced consumption modelling produces a reliable, simple indicator. This is used to generate smartfaces. The key information is provided in an immediate, user-friendly format. There is no need for interpretation, users can absorb the information in a few seconds.
Community Building Dynamic content creates interest Report problems Identify solutions Active discussions Show off best practice Build a community Makes co-ordinated action possible A small number of active users The majority of users are passive
Knowing what an organisation is consuming at any given time is one of the most effective ways of achieving savings. If you cant measure it you cant manage it ! Knowledge is Money!